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2 comments on “Contact
  1. Laura Cartmill-Cooley says:

    Thank you for sharing the Podcast with Dick Howard. I had lost contact with Dick and Barbara Howard, so am glad to be brought up to date. They were good friends when we used to go to church at Raytown, MO I understand a little more about Dick’s change of thought about the early church. Yes, it’s a little troubling but the fact they still belong to the Community of Christ church says a lot.

  2. Tim Hitchings says:

    I’m an almost lifelong member of the RLDS/Community of Christ. I have listened to all but two of the podcasts. These have given me a little insight into the perspective of Latter-Day Seekers. However, for some time, I have wanted to hear Latter-Day Seekers talk about two things, which may be on one podcast or be broken into two.

    1. What do Latter-Day Seekers miss about the LDS Church? Of course, this could get into family issues, but I’m mainly thinking about church life, perhaps even beliefs and practices. Besides family issues, another subtopic might be how male Latter-Day Seekers adjust to life in Community of Christ where their LDS priesthood is not recognized.

    2. What do Community of Christ members like me need to hear from Latter-Day seekers. I’m not talking about how wonderful Community of Christ is; we seem to get a lot of that. Instead, I’m thinking about an objective critique of the church.

    A small panel could address both of these topics.

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