
403 | Holy Grounds | Evangelist Blessing | Jane Gardner and David Brock

Sharing stories and insights from their ministry as Evangelists, Jane Gardner and David Brock offer further understanding of this sacrament and share how it has changed and expanded over the years. Host: Cara Long Guest: Jane Gardner and David Brock You can learn more about the Evangelist Blessing with Susan Oxley and Kris Judd here:…

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396 | Holy Grounds | Evangelist Blessing

The Evangelist Blessing is an intentional prayer offered by an Evangelist for a person, family, or congregation hoping to deepen their relationship to God. In this episode, Susan Oxley and Kris Judd offer some insights on the Evangelist Blessing, including the process of preparation taken when receiving a blessing and how it unfolds from the…

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390 | Cuppa Joe | Historical Changes of The Sacraments

Community of Christ has eight sacraments that point us to the God we worship. These sacraments have deep historical roots in our movement and have developed over time. In this episode, former First Presidency member, Peter Judd, shares about that historical development and what the sacraments mean in the life of the church today. Learn…

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346 | What’s Brewing | Online Ordination

Even during a global pandemic, mission moves forward. In October 2020, the First Presidency released a document with guidelines for how the church can share in sacramental ministry even when in-person contact is not possible. Today on the podcast, we are joined with five priesthood members that had their ordinations online. Can we still have…

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312 | Coffee Buzz | Sharing Sacraments During COVID

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to reduce opportunities for the church to provide in-person pastoral-care ministries and to gather physically for fellowship, worship, and community formation. After extended consideration, the Presidency is providing principles and guidelines for offering the sacraments through online means during the pandemic. Today, Linda Booth sits down with President Scott Murphy to…

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268 | Sacrament and the Mystery that is God

All of life is encompassed in sacrament. Those sacred moments when the eternal becomes present in the now satisfy a deep human longing for community. John VanDerWalker shares poignant reflections as he recalls his journey of discovery on the way to writing his Master’s Thesis, “Look to the Sacraments.” Host: Robin Linkhart Guest: John VanDerWalker…

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249 | Percolating on Faith | God Shots | Proclamation, Sacrament, and Ministry

What is the relationship between proclamation, sacraments, and ministry? How can they transform the church? Today’s discussion comes from chapter 12 of Daniel Migliore’s book, “Faith Seeking Understanding“. Click here to find Migliore’s book. Click here to find the rest of the God Shots series. Host: Carla Long Guests: Charmaine and Tony Chvala-Smith Download Transcript

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227 | Holy Grounds | Sacramental Living with Andy Fernuik

Holy Grounds is our series about Spiritual Practices. Using scripture and story to explain the term, Andy Fernuik shares what sacramental living means and how it has changed his life. Host: Robin Linkhart Guest: Andy Fernuik Download Transcript

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ES 46 | Congregation Evangelist Blessings | Brad Johnson 

Have you been curious about an Evangelist Blessing for your congregation? Listen in as Carla talks to Brad Johnson about how the process was for the Olathe, Kansas congregation! Brad gives ideas for preparation and shares the impact the blessing had on his community. To read more about it and see their resources, visit their…

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189 | The Sacraments | David Lloyd

David Lloyd, Disciple Formation Specialist, explores the particulars and universals of the eight sacraments of Community of Christ. To learn more about the sacraments visit here. Host: Brittany Mangelson Guest: David Lloyd

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