Episodes Quick List










1 | The Restoration from 20,000 Feet

2 | Spirituality, Religion, and Prophetic Voice

3 | Redefining Faith

4 | Grace vs. Shame

5 | An Interview with Community of Christ’s Prophet-President, Stephen Veazey

5A | Bonus Audio with Prophet-President Stephen Veazey

6 | Is Josephine Lyon the Daughter of Joseph Smith?

7 | God, the Divine Feminine, and Women in Ministry

8 | Supporting LGBTQ Individuals in the Wake of the LDS Church’s New Policy

9 | Community of Christ Millennials

10 | Fair Trade|Katie Langston

11 | Jesus or Joseph?

12 |Exploring Restoration Heritage and Community of Christ Distinctives

13 |  An Interview with Linda Booth, President of Community of Christ’s Council of 12

14 | How to Navigate a Marriage after a Faith Transition with Monica and John English

15 |Dale Luffman and The Book of Mormon’s Witness to Its First Readers

16 | Q&A | President Steve Veazey

17 | Unity in Diversity

18 | Talking Productively about Faith Transitions | Bill Reel

19 | Faith, Activism, and Courage | Dr. Vivian Jenkins-Nelsen

20 | Fair Trade | Brittany Mangelson

21| Sean Langdon and Community of Christ Youth Ministries

22 | Lachlan Mackay | A Peace Gene Isolated

23 | President of GALA |Erin Cavanaugh

24 | Chai Can’t Even | Emily Rose

25 | Fair Trade | Josh Mangelson

26 | God Loves Me Unconditionally| Gayle Humphrey

27 | Raising Kids in a Non-Fundamentalist Faith Paradigm (episode not currently available)

28 | Community of Christ World Service Corps and the LDS Mission Program

29 | Darren Goble

30 | Percolating on Faith | What is Scripture?

31 | Catching up with Josh and Brittany’s Story Joining Community of Christ

32 | World Conference Mini-Interview Compilation

33 | Percolating on Faith | Salvation

34 | Wallace B. Smith

35 | The Changing of Women’s Roles in Community of Christ | Marjorie and Richard Troeh

36 | Emeritus Church Historian | Richard Howard

37 | Percolating on Faith | Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

38 | Sitting Down for a Chat with JoAnn Fisher

39 | Graceland University

40 | Problem of Evil-Suffering with John Hamer

41 | Percolating on Faith | The Trinity

42 | Why Hospitality | John Wight and Russ Pirie

43 | Race in the Church | Bill Russell

44 | Percolating on Faith | The Book of Mormon

45 | A Conversation with the First Woman in the First Presidency | Becky Savage

46 | Percolating on Faith | Sexuality

47 |Community of Christ Sings | Meggan Molgard

48 | Can a Peace Church Claim the Book of Mormon as Scripture? | Andrew Bolton

49 | Temples in Community of Christ Heritage | Bethany Lloyd

50 | Joseph Smith Historic Sites Directors in Nauvoo | Laura and David Bolton

51 | Holy Grounds | Spiritual Practices

52 | Community of Christ Sings | Jan Kraybill

53 | Percolating on Faith | Faith and Doubt

54 |Fair Trade | Nancy Ross

55 | Stassi Cramm

56 | Community of Christ Sings | Joey Williams

57 | Eco-Feminism | Priscilla Eppinger

58 | Community Place | Alfredo Zelaya-Martinez

59 | Community of Christ History in Utah | Seth Bryant

60 | Janné Grover

61 | Common Grounds | Lent

62 | Liturgical Calendar Overview | Jane Gardner

63 |Spiritual Practices for Families | Monica Bradford

64 | Bible and Empire

65 | Percolating on Faith | Paul

66 | Scott Murphy | Holy Grounds

67 | Dance as a Spiritual Practice | Noelle Gaffka

68 | Palm Sunday | Christian Skoorsmith

69 | Maundy Thursday | Pam Cress

70 | Good Friday through Easter | Judy and Dale Luffman

71 | Prophets of the Bible

72 | Percolating on Faith | The Three Eras

73 | Leading Congregations in Mission | Ron Harmon 

74 | Art Smith | Haiti

75 | Fair Trade | Amy Cartwright

76 | Common Grounds | Pentecost

77 | Common Grounds | Ordinary Time

78 | Common Grounds | Trinity Sunday

79 | Percolating on Faith | One True Church 

80 | Different Philosophical Approaches to Religion | A Response to Radio Free Mormon

81 | Fair Trade | Meggan Molgard 

82 | Spiritual and Missional Practices and Relational Ministry | Larry McGuire

83 | Word of Wisdom in Community of Christ and Intoxicants | Lachlan Mackay

84 | Percolating on Faith | Why Jesus?

85 | Common Grounds | World Worship | Art Smith

86 | Percolating on Faith | A Watered Down, Liberal, Protestant What?

87 | Children and Youth Ministries | Janné Grover

88 | Common Grounds | World Worship | Richard Betts

89 | Faith Journey and Community | Robert Cook

90 | Common Grounds | Advent | Barbara Borkowski

91| No Filter | Let’s Talk Harvey Weinstein

92 | Mission, Ministry, and the 21st Century

93 | Millenials in the Church | Mike Hoffman

94 | Mormon Women at Divinity School

95 | Percolating on Faith | Spirituality and Theology

96 | Fowler’s Stages of Faith | Nancy Ross

97 | Steve Shields Interview | Part 1

98 | Steve Shields Interview | Part 2

99 | Percolating on Faith | Book of Revelation 

100 | Invitation and Hospitality

101| Fair Trade | Alison Baines

102 | Encounter | Brian Carwana

103 | Anxiety and Depression | Dr. Heidi Vawdrey

104 | Prophetic Succession 

105 | Ghost of Eternal Polygamy | Carol Lynn Pearson

106 | The Cause of Zion | Andrew Bolton

107 | Fair Trade | Brian Fuller

108 | The Official Policy on Intoxicants | Ron Harmon

109 | What’s Brewing | Ryan Pitt

110 | No Filter | Women’s Panel on Chastity in Mormonism – Part 1 of 2

111| No Filter | Women’s Panel on Chastity in Mormonism – Part 2 of 2

113 | Where We Must Stand: Ten Years of Feminist Mormon Housewives

114 | Fair Trade | Royleane and Steve Otteson

115 | Emma’s Church; RLDS to Community of Christ

116 | Chai Can’t Even | Sean Langdon

117 | Reunions | Lachlan Mackay and Janné Grover

118 | Cuppa Joe | Barb Walden

119 | Chai Can’t Even | Linda Stanbridge

120 |Percolating on Faith | The Sacraments Part 2

121 | Steamers and Sodas | Spectacular 2018

122 | What’s Brewing | Ben Smith

123 | Virtual Ministry | Leandro Palacios

124 | Cuppa Joe | Bryon Adreason

125 | Common Grounds | Ordinary Time

126 | Restoration Studies through the lens of Folklore | Magen Olsen

127 | Fair Trade | Patti Walrod

128 | Percolating on Faith | The Bible Allergy

129 | Virtual Ministries | John Wight

130 | The Nature of God

131 | No Filter | Mormon Happy Hour Host Colleen Dietz

132 | Doctrine and Covenants 156 | Bill Russell

133 | Cuppa Joe | David Howlett

134 | What’s Brewing in Orange California

135 | Faith in Action | Sue Robb

136 | Worth, Shame, and Boundaries | Kara Vojcsik

137 | Common Grounds | All Saints Day 

138 | Percolating on Faith | Ecumenism

139 | What’s Brewing | Blake Smith

140 | No Filter | Modesty  

141 | Simplicity | Dave Nii

142 | Fair Trade | Gail Nicolaysen-Shurtleff

143 | Chai Can’t Even | Parker Johnson

144 | What’s Brewing | Justin Delong

145 | Joseph Smith Historic Site

146 | Percolating of Faith | Spirituality of Place

147 | Holy Grounds | JoAnn Fisher and Tyler Marz

148 | Cuppa Joe: Joseph Smith’s Plural Wives 

149 | No Filter | The Handmaid’s Tale | Brittany and Robin

150 | Life in Community of Christ | Tammie Lay

151 | What’s Brewing | Chris and Matt Davisdon

152 | Zion | Matt Frizzell

153 | Percolating on Faith | God Shot

154 | “The Restoration in the 21st Century” | David Nii

155 | Sodas and Steamers | Children’s Ministry | Jewell Bolton

156 | Meet our host Carla Long!

157 | Culture in Community of Christ

158 | What’s Brewing | Keith McMillan

159 | Community of Christ Seminary | Art Woodcock

160 | Percolating on Faith | God Shots | Self Revealing God

161 | A New Culture for Latter-day Seekers

162 | Priesthood in Community of Christ | Janné Grover

163 | Steamers and Sodas | Dave Davis

164 | Fair Trade | Jason Eyre

165 | A Journey Toward Ordination | Women in Community of Christ | Becky Savage Part 1

166 | A Journey Toward Ordination | Women in Community of Christ | Becky Savage Part 2

167 | World Conference | Susan Naylor and Tammy Lindle Lewis

168 | Percolating on Faith | God Shots: Scripture

169 | Common Consent | John Wight

170 | Nonviolence Resolution | Andrew Bolton, Joey Williams, and Elray Henriksen

171 | The Community of Christ’s Commentary on the Doctrine and Covenants | Dale Luffman

172 | The Bible…Not Literally | Michele McGrath, Dale Luffman and John Hamer

173 | Fair Trade | Tyler Marz

174 | Taking Biblical Scripture out of its Historical, Theological, and Political Context

175 | Percolating on Faith | God Shots: The Triune God

176 | Cuppa Joe | Historic Sites Bus Tour 

177 | Holy Grounds | Nancy Ross 

178 | New Apostle David Nii 

179 | A Way of Life | Tony Chvala-Smith

180 | Chai Can’t Even | Andy Larkins

181 | Placing the Authority of the Bible over Jesus

182 | Holy Grounds | Mollie Linkhart 

183 | What’s Brewing | House Church

184 | Cuppa Joe | Peter Judd

185 | Percolating on Faith | God Shots | God’s Good Creation 

186 | Chai Can’t Even | Laura Bolton

187 | Gina Colvin’s Walk with God and Community

188 | Holy Grounds | Kris Judd

189 | The Sacraments | David Lloyd

190 | Holy Grounds | Shandra Newcom

191 | Catherine Mambwe and Her Call to Apostle

192 | Outreach International | Andrea Read

193 | Cuppa Joe: Zion’s Camp | Seth Bryant

194 | Percolating on Faith | God Shots | Providence of God and Mystery of Evil

195 | Chai Can’t Even | Zac Harmon McLaughlin

196 | Holy Grounds | Kevin Harper

197 | Changing By Heart | Kat Goheen

198 | Fair Trade | Michael Wright

199 | A Prophetic People | Ron Harmon

200 | Words of Counsel | President Steve Veazey

201 | What’s Brewing | The MOM Project | Caitlin d’Esterre

202 | Reimagining the Book of Mormon | John-Charles Duffy

203 | A Prophetic People | Matt Frizzell

204 | Community of Christ as a Peace Church | Robin Linkhart

205 | Fair Trade | Andy Fernuik

206 | GALA | Ginger Farley and Allan Fiscus

207 | Harmony | Jerry Dale Jr and Parker Johnson

208 | Percolating on Faith | God Shots | Human Beings

209 | Why Language Matters in Ministry and Discipleship

210 | Fair Trade | Kris Black 

211 | A Prophetic People | Linda Booth

212 | Holy Grounds | Andy Fernuik

213 | Fair Trade | Brian Whitney Part 1

214 | Fair Trade | Brian Whitney Part 2

215 | Holy Grounds | Royleane Otteson

216 | Chai Can’t Even | Caitlin d’Esterre

217 | Getting to know Julie Smith

218 | Percolating on Faith | God Shots | The Person and Work of Jesus

219 | Coffee Buzz | Stassi Cramm

220 | Fair Trade | Maggie Fout

221 | Community of Christ Sings at Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley California

222 | Whole Life Stewardship | Jeff Naylor

223 | What’s Brewing | Brussels

224 | Coffee Buzz | Scott Murphy

225 | Percolating on Faith | God Shots | Christ in Context

226 | Chai Can’t Even | Ryan and Emma Pitt

227 | Holy Grounds | Sacramental Living | Andy Fernuik

228 | Tour Guide at the Temple | Neil DeAtley 

229 | Sinner! Sinner! | Matt Frizzell and Brittany Mangelson

230 | What’s Brewing | Discover and Live Your Future

231 | Coffee Buzz | President Veazey 

232 | Percolating on Faith | God Shots | Holy Spirit

233 | Fair Trade | Laura Pennock 

234 | Expanding Understanding of the Community of Zion | Laurie Due 

235 | A Prophetic People | President Scott Murphy

236 | What’s Brewing | Joelle Wight

237 | A Prophetic Hymnal | Jane Gardner

238 | Fair Trade | Brittany Mangelson

239 | The Enduring Principles | President Steve Veazey

240 | Coffee Buzz | Are We Moving Toward Jesus, The Peaceful One?

241 | God Shots | Percolating on Faith | The Church

242 | No Filter | #Queerpastor 

243 | Coffee Buzz | Sacraments in a Digital World

244 | Lessons from Short Creek | Lindsay Hansen Park

245 | Chai Can’t Even | Nathan Mack

246 | Fair Trade | Chantal Müller-Mukamurera

247 | Mormonism and Islam | Greg Jackson

248 | Crystal Springs at Seminary

249 | Percolating on Faith | God Shots | Proclamation, Sacrament, and Ministry

250 | Prophetic People | Zac Harmon-McLaughlin

251 | What’s Brewing | Caravan

252 | Coffee Buzz | Jesus, The Peaceful One | President Veazey

253 | Holy Grounds | Barbara Carter

254 | No Filter | Women and Ordained Ministry 

255 | What’s Brewing in Toronto

256 | Chai Can’t Even | Ashley Sebree

257 | Coffee Buzz | Faithful Disagreement

258 | What’s Brewing | House Church

259 | What’s Brewing | John VanDerWalker

260 | Love in the Time of Coronavirus

261 | Connecting in an Age of Quarantine

262 | Coffee Buzz | Sacred Community in Coronavirus Times

263 | Steamers and Sodas | Kass Unger 

264 | God Shots | Percolating on Faith | Christian Hope

265 | Fair Trade | Kelly Padilla

266 | What’s Brewing | Méthode Belanwa

267 | Art and Spirituality | Anne Bonnefin

268 | Sacrament and the Mystery that is God

269 | No Filter | Lisa Meyer and Erin Cavanaugh

270 | Fair Trade | Diana Wake

271 | Ordination | Nancy Ross and Brittany Mangelson

272  | Percolating on Faith| God Shots | Christian Approaches to Interfaith Relations

273 | The Role of Women in French Polynesia | Lucia Piehi

274 | No Filter | Eliza Horning

275 | Justice | Rick Sarre

276 | Camping in Community of Christ | Emily Rose

277 | Coffee in The Swarm | Laurie Due

278 | Coffee Buzz | Systemic Racism | President Steve Veazey 

279 | Peace, Justice, and the Role of Conflict | Matt Frizzell

280 | What’s Brewing | New Expressions

281 | Percolating on Faith | Theological Education

282 | Post Modernism and Faith | Kent Thompson

283 | 2020 European Peace Colloquy

284 | Coffee in The Swarm | Humberto Tinsman

285 | What’s Brewing | Sandee Gamet

286 | Coffee Buzz | Creating Community: Move Toward Jesus

287 | What’s Brewing | Alaska

288 | Grounds for Peace | Evolution and Human Violence | Richard Wrangham

289 | Steamers and Sodas | Online Children’s Sunday School

290 | Percolating on Faith | Culture the Holy Spirit

291 | Grounds for Peace | Dehumanization Yesterday and Today: How to Act as Neighbour

292 | Cuppa Joe | Nauvoo Polygamy and the RLDS Church

293 | Coffee Buzz | Finding Hope During Coronavirus

294 | Coffee in the Swarm | Natalie Harper

295 | Fair Trade | Meredith Carr

296 | Grounds For Peace | Interfaith Partnerships and Advocacy | Zac Harmon-MacLaughlin

297 | Church History Principles and Q&A | Lach Mackay and Barbara Walden

298 | Church History Principles and Q&A Pt 2 | Lach Mackay and Barbara Walden

299 | Grounds for Peace | Can Peace Begin on Our Plates? Pt 1| Georgia and Ryan Comins

300 | Grounds for Peace | Can Peace Begin on Our Plates? Pt 2 | Georgia and Ryan Comins

301 | Priesthood Authority | John Hamer

302 | Re-release: Coffee Buzz | Systemic Racism | President Steve Veazey

303 | Coffee Buzz | Dark Night of the Soul | President Veazey

304 | Cuppa Joe | Mahonri Stewart

305 | What’s Brewing | Online Ministries 

306 | Toward the Peaceful One | Ron Harmon

307 | Grounds for Peace | Ellis Brooks

308 | Grounds for Peace | Leo Tolstoy’s Political Thought | Alexandre Christoyannopoulos 

309 | Percolating on Faith | Being Awakened by the Pandemic 

310 | Cuppa Joe | Rock Fremont

 311 | Cuppa Joe | The Forgotten Father of the Reorganization

312 | Coffee Buzz | Sharing Sacraments During COVID

313 | Grounds for Peace | Peaceful Humanity- A New Creation | President Steve Veazey

314 | Grounds for Peace | Peace of Mind: Mental Health and Well-Being | Sarah James and Hannah Langford

315 | Toward the Peaceful One | Matt Frizzell

316 | Cuppa Joe | Historic Sites Foundation Summer Lecture Series | Andrew Bolton

317 | Grounds for Peace | Spirituality and Social Change: Re-enchanting the Activist | Keith Hebden, Peace Award Recipient

318 | Toward The Peaceful One | Andrea Read Davis

319 | Steamers and Sodas | Online Kids Book Club

320 | Percolating on Faith | Versions of The First Vision

321 | Cuppa Joe | Historic Sites Foundation Summer Lecture Series | Wendy Eaton

322 | Steamers and Sodas | Bryan Tidwell

323 | Coffee Buzz | Connect the Dots: How church messages connect

324 | Cuppa Joe | Historic Sites Foundation Summer Lecture Series | David Howlett

325 | What’s Brewing | Spirituality at Royal Rehab

326 | Percolating on Faith | How Can You Be Christian and LGBTQIA+ Accepting?

327 | What’s Brewing | Creating Connection

328 | Cuppa Joe | Historic Sites Foundation Summer Lecture Series | David Brock 

329 | What’s Brewing | Adam Wade

330 | Fair Trade | Erin Hook

331 | Coffee Buzz | Christmas with President Veazey

332 | Toward The Peaceful One | Elray Henriksen

333 | Cuppa Joe | Historic Site Foundation Summer Lecture Series | Barb Walden

334 | Percolating on Faith | Introduction to Community of Christ Theologians

335 | Toward the Peaceful One | Michael Wright

336 | Cuppa Joe | Historic Sites Foundation Summer Lecture Series | Lach Mackay

337 | Holy Grounds | Discernment | Katie Harmon-McLaughlin

338 | Coffee Buzz | President Veazey

339 | Chai Can’t Even | Meghan and Jayson Gray

340 | Cuppa Joe | Historic Sites Foundation Autumn Lecture Series | Barb Walden

341 | Historic Site Foundation Autumn Lecture Series | John-Charles Duffy

342 | He’Brew | Introduction

343 | He’Brew | Creation Stories

344 | Toward the Peaceful One | Dave Anderson and Robyn Luffman

345 | Fair Trade | Elle Mills-Warner

346 | What’s Brewing | Online Ordination

347 | What’s Brewing | Lamoni Heartland Mission Center Diversity Team

348 | Holy Grounds | Discernment WCLC

349 | Climate Brewing | Introduction

350 | Percolating on Faith | Marietta Walker and Fred M Smith

351 | Coffee Buzz | Lent

352 | Climate Brewing | Dr. Richard Gammon

353 | He’Brew | Abram, Sarai, and Hagar

354 | Cuppa Joe | Historic Site Foundation Autumn Lecture Series | Barb Walden

355 | Steamers and Sodas | Oklahoma Online Youth Camp

356 | Fair Trade | Evan Sharley

357 | Percolating on Faith | F. Henry Edwards

358 | Sealed | Katie Langston

359 | Coffee Buzz | 20 Years: Called By a New Name

360 | He’Brew | Exodus

361 | Toward The Peaceful One | Sherri Kirkpatrick

362 | Climate Brewing | Engaging the Faith Community

363 | Common Grounds | Good Friday through Easter | Dale and Judy Luffman (Rebroadcast)

364 | Celebrating 20 Years as Community of Christ

365 | Historic Sites Foundation Autumn Lecture Series | Steve Shields

366 | Steamers and Sodas | Online Kids Camp in Utah

367 | Holy Grounds | Spiritual Direction

368 | Percolating on Faith | Enhancement Enchantment or Infusion Confusion

369 | He’Brew | The Law

370 | Coffee Buzz | Mission Now and After

371 | What’s Brewing | Closing the Digital Divide

372 | What’s Brewing | Dunfield House

373 | Cuppa Joe | The Most Spectacular Harvest of Souls Since Wesley’s Time: Latter Day Saint British Isles Mission 1837 to 1863

374 | Conflict | Matt Frizzell

375 | Grounds For Peace | Reframing and Repurposing the Book of Mormon

376 | Toward the Peaceful One | Michele McGrath

377 | Fair Trade Chapter 2 | Brittany Mangelson

378 | What’s Brewing | Headwaters Mission Center’s Volunteer Staff

379 | Coffee Buzz | An Update with Stassi Cramm

380 | He’Brew | The Prophets: Joshua and Judges and the Entry into Canaan

381 | PRIDE with Harmony

382 | What’s Brewing | Richard James

383 | Chai Can’t Even | Dan Gregory

384 | Historic Sites Foundation Autumn Lecture Series | John Hamer

385 | What’s Brewing | GROW

386 | What’s Brewing | Beyond the Walls Choir

387 | Percolating on Faith | Atonement

388 | He’Brew | The Davidic Monarchy: David, Bathsheba, and the Me Too Movement

389 | Coffee Buzz | Mission Moments

390 | Cuppa Joe | Historical Changes of The Sacraments

391 | Cuppa Joe | Historic Sites Spring Lecture Series | William T. Blue: A Lonely Spokesman for Black Saints

392 | Coffee in The Swarm | 2021 Graceland Reps

393 | Fair Trade | Leslie Dalton

394 | Historic Sites Foundation Spring Lecture Series | Carl Mesle: Pastor in a Time of Turmoil

395 | Percolating on Faith | Hell

396 | Holy Grounds | Evangelist Blessing

397 | What’s Brewing | Temple Tuesday

398 | He’Brew | Isaiah

399 | Coffee Buzz | Stephen Veazey: The Life of a Prophet

400 | Cuppa Joe | The Wives of Joseph Smith III: Emmeline Griswold

401 | Cuppa Joe | Historic Sites Foundation Spring Lecture Series | “When Will the Little Woman Come Out of the House?” The Life and Legacy of Alice Smith Edwards

402 | Climate Brewing | Biodiversity Loss – The Fraying Tapestry of Life

403 | Holy Grounds | Evangelist Blessing | Jane Gardner and David Brock

404 | Percolating on Faith | Joseph Smith Jr.

405 | What’s Brewing | Friends Committee on National Legislation

406 | Historic Sites Foundation Spring Lecture Series | Storm Clouds on the Horizon: The Competing Theological Visions of Elbert A. Smith and Roy Cheville

407 | He’Brew | Jeremiah: The Weeping Prophet

408 | Coffee Buzz | Supporting Christ’s Mission

409 | Cuppa Joe | The Wives of Joseph Smith III | Bertha Madison

410 | Percolating on Faith | Deconstructing Faith From Chaos to Peace

411 | Holy Grounds | Reframing Prayer After a Faith Transition

412 | Coffee in The Swarm | Humberto Tinsman

413 | Mormons, Musical Theater and Belonging in America | Jake Johnson

414 | First There Were Two: Women in the Twelve

415 | He’Brew | She’Brew

416 | Coffee Buzz | Scott Murphy: Life, Leadership, and Ministry

417 | Cuppa Joe | The Wives of Joseph Smith III |Ada Clark

418 | Percolating on Faith | Big Tent Analogy

419 | Climate Brewing | Human Impact

420 | What’s Brewing | Learning in Ministry in Utah

421 | Holy Grounds | Prayer

422 | Cuppa Joe | Women in Community of Christ History | Audentia Smith Anderson and Vida Elizabeth Smith

423 | Coffee in The Swarm | Laura Harder

424 | Fair Trade Chapter 2 | Gina Colvin

425 | Steamers and Sodas | Laura Bolton

426 | Coffee Buzz | Metamorphosis

427 | He’Brew | Psalms

428 | What’s Brewing | Linda Stanbridge 

429 | Cuppa Joe | Historic Sites Foundation Fall 2021 Lecture Series | Life and Legacy of Apostle Kisuke Sekine

430 | Cuppa Joe | Women of Kirtland

431 | Open Topics | Transcripts

432 | Open Topics | Apostle Barbara Carter’s Life and Ministry

433 | Coffee Buzz | New Digital Landscape, Giving Tuesday, and Gratitude

434 | He’Brew | Job

435 | Coffee in The Swarm | Jullie Wheaton

436 | What’s Brewing | HealthEd Connect

437 | Percolating on Faith | RLDS Preaching Charts

438 | Cuppa Joe | Historic Sites Foundation Fall 2021 Lecture Series | Community of Christ History in Wales

439 | Coffee in The Swarm | Ben Long

440 | Coffee Buzz | Advent Reflections from Scott Murphy

441 | Cuppa Joe | Christmas in Church History

442 | She’Brew | Ruth and Esther

443 | What’s Brewing | Children’s Peace Pavilion

444 | Cuppa Joe | Historic Sites Foundation Fall 2021 Lecture Series | The Church Behind the Iron Curtain

445 | Percolating on Faith | Racism and the Moral Logic of the Incarnation

446 | New’Brew | Intro

447 | Cuppa Joe | Emma Smith’s Later Years

448 | Fair Trade | Michelle Wilde

449 | Coffee Buzz | First Presidency Priorities

450 | New’Brew | Mark

451 | Open Topics | Faithful Disagreement

452 | Coffee in The Swarm | Lexie Frazier

453 | Percolating on Faith | Introduction to Mystics

454 | Fair Trade | Heather Holland

455 | What’s Brewing | Utah Mission Ministries

456 | Coffee Buzz | A Journey Toward World Conference

457 | Climate Brewing | Transforming to a Circular Economy

458 | New’Brew | Matthew

459 | What’s Brewing | Center for Living Water

460 | What’s Brewing | Piano Club

461 | Percolating on Faith | Hildegard of Bingen

462 | Grounds for Peace | Nonviolence Conversations

463 | Coffee In The Swarm | Conner Holben

464 | Holy Grounds | Daily Bread

465 | New’Brew | Luke

466 | Grounds for Peace | Navy Chaplaincy

467 | Coffee Buzz | Updates from Around the Globe

468 | Cuppa Joe | Historic Sites Foundation | Preaching Charts

469 | Percolating on Faith | David Hyrum Smith and Ed Guy

470 | Grounds for Peace | Nonviolent Peacemaking

471 | Fair Trade | Spencer Greenhalgh

472 | Coffee in The Swarm | Grant Warner

473 | Coffee Buzz | Peaceful Humanity

474 | Grounds for Peace | Holocaust Remembrance Day and Making Peace in Palestine and Israel

475 | New’Brew | Acts

476 | Cuppa Joe | Historic Sites Foundation | John Avondet, the First Italian Missionary of the Reorganization

477 | Fair Trade | Mags Edvalson

478 | Percolating on Faith | Julian of Norwich

479 | What’s Brewing | Reunion Resources

480 | Grounds for Peace | Nakba Day

481 | What’s Brewing | Supporting Pride as a Church

482 | Fair Trade | Suzanne Scribner

483 | Cuppa Joe | Historic Sites Foundation | What Were the Women to Do?

484 | What’s Brewing | Music Therapy

485 | Coffee Buzz | Financial Update June 2022

486 | Chai Can’t Even | Molly Bagley

487 | Percolating on Faith | Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People

488 | What’s Brewing | Rio Grande Mission Center

489 | Cuppa Joe | Historic Sites Foundation | Mark Hill Forscutt: Mormon Missionary, Morrisite Apostle, and RLDS Minister

490 | New’Brew | John

491 | Open Topics | Women’s Journey of Becoming, Part I

492 | Cuppa Joe | Historic Sites Foundation | Charles Derry: First Reorganization Missionary in the British Isles

493 | Fair Trade | Shandra Brooks

494 | Percolating on Faith | Irenaean Theodicy

495 | Open Topics | Women’s Journey of Becoming Pt 2

496 | Percolating on Faith | Augustinian Theodicy

497 | Chai Can’t Even | Cheyenne Koerth

498 | Cuppa Joe | Theo-History | Introduction

499 | New’Brew | First Corinthians

500 | Celebrating Five Hundred Episodes of Project Zion Podcast!

501 | Percolating on Faith | Protest Theodicy

502 | Cuppa Joe | Historic Sites Foundation | Clifford Cole: Architect and Re-founder of the Modern Community of Christ

503 | Cuppa Joe | Theo-History | Early Church

504 | Climate Brewing | Systemic Solutions: Climate Policies 101

505 | What’s Brewing | Washington D.C.

506 | New’Brew | Galatians

507 | Fair Trade | Ken Bowen

508 | Cuppa Joe | Historic Sites Foundation | The Development of the Community of Christ in the Netherlands up to 1948

509 | Grounds for Peace | Nonviolence Conversations

510 | Percolating on Faith | St. Francis

511 | Chai Can’t Even | Alisha Bowen

512 | Cuppa Joe | Theo-History | Nauvoo

513 | Grounds for Peace | UN International Day of Peace

514 | Coffee in The Swarm | Kenzlee Frizzell

515 | Open Topics | Worship at World Conference 2023

516 | New’Brew | Philippians

517 | Chai Can’t Even | Erica Blevins Nye

518 | Percolating on Faith | Jesus Narrative Theodicy

519 | Cuppa Joe | Theo-History | Plano Period

520 | Open Topics | Meeting New Leadership | Shandra Newcom

521 | Coffee in The Swarm | Emily Hill

522 | What’s Brewing | Community Circle

523 | New’Brew | Pastoral Letters

524 | Open Topics | Field Support Ministers

525 | Open Topics | Meeting New Leadership | Carla Long

526 | Cuppa Joe | Theo-History | Lamoni to Independence

527 | Percolating on Faith | Process Theodicy

528 | Open Topics | Standing High Council

529 | New’Brew | 1 Peter

530 | Open Topics | Meeting New Leadership | Wim van Klinken

531 | Cuppa Joe | Historic Sites Foundation | Divergent Paths of the Community of Christ: The Past One Hundred Years

532 | Percolating on Faith | Christmas

533 | Coffee in the Swarm | Adam Sherer

534 | What’s Brewing | World Conference Updates

535 | New’Brew | James

536 | Percolating on Faith | Epiphany

537 | What’s Brewing | Harmony

538 | Open Topics | Meeting New Leadership | Angela Ramirez

539 | Percolating on Faith | Liberation Theodicy

540 | She’Brew New’Brew | Women in the New Testament

541 | Coffee in the Swarm | Niko Farrell

542 | Fair Trade | Heidi Ramirez

543 | Meet Ron Harmon

544 | Percolating on Faith| Catherine of Genoa with Michael Wright

545 | What’s Brewing | Retired WCLC – Where are they now?

546 | Percolating on Faith | Sexuality and Faith (repost)

547 | Coffee to Go | Introduction

548 | Coffee in the Swarm | Adric Williams

549 | Coffee to Go | Ash Wednesday

550 | Cuppa Joe | Theo-History | Fred M. Smith Era

551 | Coffee to Go | First Week of Lent

552 | What’s Brewing | 2023 World Conference Resolutions | Sandee Gamet

553 | Climate Brewing | Poetry and Story Telling At Intersection of Climate and Race | Ashia Ajani

554 | Coffee to Go | Second Week of Lent

555 | Cuppa Joe | Origin of Camping in Nauvoo | Wendy Eaton

556 | Coffee to Go | Third Week of Lent

557 | Fair Trade | Mina Leach

558 | New’Brew | Revelation

559 | Coffee to Go | Fourth Week of Lent

560 | What’s Brewing | Kirtland Temple | Roger Rose

561 | Coffee to Go | Fifth Week of Lent

562 | Percolating on Faith | Biblical Literalism 

563 | Cuppa Joe | 150 Years of Hymnody with Dick Clothier

564 | Coffee to Go | Palm Sunday

565 | Coffee to Go | Maundy Thursday

566 | Coffee to Go | Good Friday

567 | Coffee to Go | Holy Saturday

568 | Coffee to Go | Easter

569 | Percolating on Faith | Satan

570 | Coffee in the Swarm | Jocelyn Dailey

571 | Coffee to Go | 2nd Sunday of Easter

572 | Fair Trade | Alex Guerrero

573 | Cuppa Joe | Israel A. Smith

574 | Coffee to Go | 3rd Sunday of Easter

575 | Cuppa Joe | How World Conference Has Changed Over the Years | John Wight

576 | Coffee to Go | 4th Sunday of Easter

577 | Cuppa Joe | Historic Sites

578 | Coffee to Go | 5th Sunday of Easter

579 | Coffee in the Swarm | Addison Cole

580 | What’s Brewing | Beyond the Horizon Michigan

581 | Coffee to Go | 6th Sunday of Easter

582 | What’s Brewing | Lamoni Food Pantry

583 | Coffee to Go | Ascension Sunday

584 | What’s Brewing | A Path Forward for Chicago

585 | Chai Can’t Even | Tyler Horringa

586 | Coffee to Go | Pentecost

587 | What’s Brewing | Faith-Based Organizing | Emily Rose

588 | Holy Grounds | National Donut Day | Donuts and Spirituality

589 | Coffee to Go | Trinity Sunday

590 | Cuppa Joe | Theo-History | The W Wallace Smith Era

591 | Coffee to Go | Ordinary Time Proper 5

592 | What’s Brewing | Prairie Bluffs Caring Ministries | Thrift Store and Food Pantry

593 | Fair Trade | Christian Ramirez

594 | Coffee to Go | Proper 6

595 | Open Topics | Karin Peter | First Woman Senior President of Seventy

596 | Coffee to Go | Proper 7

597 | What’s Brewing | Center for Innovation in Ministry and Mission

598 | What’s Brewing | Portland Congregation

599 | Coffee to Go | Proper 8

600 | Percolating on Faith| Infant Baptism

601 | Coffee to Go | Proper 9

602 | What’s Brewing | Low Income Housing

603 | Cuppa Joe | Women of the Restoration | Ruth Smith

604 | Coffee to Go | Proper 10

605 | Chai Can’t Even | Kinsey Horringa

606 | What’s Brewing | Enriching Sacred Community | Wendy and Bill Brian

607 | Coffee to Go | Proper 11

608 | Cuppa Joe | Theo-History | The Wallace B. Smith Era

609 | Coffee to Go | Proper 12

610 | Coffee to Go | Proper 13

611| Holy Grounds | Spiritual Formation | Mareva Arnaud Tchong

612 | Open Topics | A Prophetic Hymnal | Jane Gardner

613 | Coffee to Go | Proper 14

614 | Cuppa Joe | Women of the Restoration: Part 2 | Nina Smith

615 | Coffee to Go | Proper 15

616 | Cuppa Joe | Historic Sites Lecture Series | Eric Paul Rogers | From Morrisite to Josephite and Beyond

617 | Open Topics | Community of Christ Sings with Jan Kraybill

618 | Coffee to Go | Proper 16

619 | Chai Can’t Even | Chad and Katie Hensley

620 | Coffee to Go | Proper 17 

621 | Open Topics | Community of Christ Sings Hymnal Anniversary | Joey Williams

622 | Coffee to Go | Proper 18

623 | What’s Brewing | Spec 2023 Recap

624 | What’s Brewing | Congregational Discernment

625 | Coffee to Go | Proper 19

626 | Cuppa Joe | W. Grant McMurray Era

627 | Open Topics | Hymnal Anniversary | Community of Christ Sings at Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA

628 | Coffee to Go | Proper 20

629 | Open Topics | Wallace B. Smith | Re-Post

630 | Open Topics | Meet Julie Smith | Re-Post

631 | Coffee to Go | Proper 21

632 | Cuppa Joe | Theo-History | The Wallace B Smith Era | Re-Post

633 | Coffee to Go | Proper 22

634 | Open Topics | Wally B. Smith | Stories from the Field

635 | Percolating on Faith | Marriage

636 | Coffee to Go | Proper 23

637 | Coffee in the Swarm | Aliyah Farrell and Levi Triplett

638 | Nice to Matcha | Joelle Wight

639 | Coffee to Go | Proper 24

640 | Cuppa Joe | Historic Sites Lecture | Lyman Wight

641 | What’s Brewing | A Changing Church After COVID-19

642 | Coffee to Go | Proper 25

643 | Holy Grounds | Spiritual Practices

644 | Coffee to Go | All Saints Day

645 | Coffee to Go | Proper 26

646 | What’s Brewing | World Hunger Team | Richard James

647 | Coffee to Go | Proper 27

648 | Coffee in the Swarm | Savanah Marshall

649 | Cuppa Joe | Theo-History Review and Vision for the Path Forward

650 | Coffee to Go | Proper 28

651 | What’s Brewing | CBMC New Expressions

652 | Coffee to Go | Reign of Christ

653 | Open Topics | Grief, Death, and Dying

654 | Coffee Buzz | Stassi Cramm Update

655 | Coffee to Go | First Sunday of Advent

656 | Cuppa Joe | John-Charles Duffy | Historic Sites Fall Lecture

657 | Coffee to Go | Second Sunday of Advent

658 | Nice to Matcha | Mareva Arnaud Chong

659 | Coffee in the Swarm | Christian Biwott

660 | Coffee to Go | Third Sunday of Advent

661 | Cuppa Joe | Christmas in Church History

662 | Coffee to Go | Fourth Sunday of Advent

663 | Coffee to Go | Christmas

664 | Coffee Buzz | President Scott Murphy and President Prophet Steven Veazey | Re-Post

665 | Coffee to Go | Christmas 1

666 | What’s Brewing | Europe and Beyond – Our Global Mission 

667 | Coffee to Go | Epiphany

668 | Coffee to Go | Epiphany 1

669 | Cuppa Joe | Women in the Restoration: Christiana Steadman Salyards

670 | Grounds for Peace | Citizen Diplomacy

671 | Coffee to Go | Epiphany 2 Year B

672 | What’s Brewing | Reaching Out Centre in Streetsville, Ontario

673 | Cuppa Joe | Historic Sites Fall Lecture Series | Becoming More AWARE: RLDS Feminist Activism in the 1970s

674 | Coffee to Go | Epiphany 3

675 | Coffee in the Swarm | Katie Bover

676 | Cuppa Joe | Historic Sites Fall Lecture Series | Mr. Smith Goes to Salt Lake City: Fred M. in Utah 1904-1906 

677 | Coffee to Go | Epiphany 4

678 | Coffee to Go | Candlemas

679 | Coffee to Go | Epiphany 5

680 | Cuppa Joe | Theo-History | Take and Go Lesson Templates

681 | Coffee to Go | Last Sunday of Epiphany (Transfiguration Sunday)

682 | Climate Brewing | Colonialism, Industrial Revolution, and Climate 

683 | Coffee to Go | Ash Wednesday

684 | Grounds for Peace | Linda Stanbridge | Social Justice and the Prophets

685 | Coffee to Go | Lent 1

686 | What’s Brewing | LIVE EVENT – Hybrid Ministry: Connecting People Beyond the Building

687 | What’s Brewing | Ministry for Dummies

688 | Coffee to Go | Second Sunday of Lent

689 | Cuppa Joe | Women of the Restoration | Bertha Greer

690 | Coffee to Go | Third Sunday of Lent

691 |  Coffee to Go | Fourth Sunday of Lent

692 | Cuppa Joe | Historic Sites and a Vision for the Future | Lach Mackay

693 | Coffee to Go | Fifth Sunday of Lent 

694 | Coffee to Go | Palm Sunday

695 | Cuppa Joe | Historic Sites Foundation Fall Lecture Series | The Life of William Marks: Faithful Leader to Two Josephs | John Dinger and Cheryl Bruno

696 | Coffee to Go | Maundy Thursday

697 | Coffee to Go | Good Friday

698 | Coffee to Go | Holy Saturday

699 | Coffee to Go | Easter Sunday

700 | Coffee to Go | Second Sunday of Easter

701 | Coffee to Go | Third Sunday of Easter

702 | Coffee to Go | Fourth Sunday of Easter

703 | Coffee to Go | Fifth Sunday of Easter

704 | Coffee in the Swarm | Cadence Sires

705 | Ministry for Dummies S1E2 | Camping (CROSS-POST)

706 | Coffee to Go | Sixth Sunday of Easter

707 | What’s Brewing | 3G Food Pantry

708 | Coffee to Go | Ascension Sunday

709 | What’s Brewing Live Event: The Road to Welcoming and Affirming

710 | Coffee to Go | Pentecost Sunday

711 | Coffee in the Swarm | Talina Sepulveda

712 | Fair Trade | Andrew “Andy” Markle

713 | Coffee to Go | Trinity Sunday

714 | What’s Brewing | Forest Hills Scripture Garden

715 | Fair Trade | Jason Eyre | Chapter 2, Part 1

716 | Coffee to Go | Proper 4

717 | Fair Trade | Jason Eyre | Chapter 2, Part 2 

718 | Coffee to Go | Proper 5

719 | Climate Brewing | Rod Downing and Climate Advocacy

720 | What’s Brewing | Ministry for Dummies | Camp Song Tier List

721 | Coffee to Go | Proper 6

722 | Climate Brewing | Rod Downing and Climate Advocacy in Community of Christ

723 | Fair Trade | Andrew Webber

724 | Coffee to Go | Proper 7

725 | Steamers & Sodas | Levi Blakesley

726 | What’s Brewing | East Brewton Congregation | Wayne Ellis

727 | Coffee to Go | Proper 8

728 | Climate Brewing | Campground Climate Safety and Renewal

729 | Coffee to Go | Proper 9

730 | Chai Can’t Even | Ethan Mitchell

731 | Cuppa Joe | Section 116, First Presidency Response to WCR G-2 

732 | Coffee to Go | Proper 10, Year B

733 | Climate Brewing | Methane Dangers and Solutions

734 | Coffee Buzz | First Presidency Non-Violence Draft Statement

735 | Coffee to Go | Proper 11 Year B

736 | Chai Can’t Even | Kara Sherman

737 | Cuppa Joe | Women of the Reorganization | Lizzie Blair

738 | Coffee to Go | Proper 12 Year B

739 | Chai Can’t Even | Mike Sherman

740 | Ministry for Dummies | Music and Our Faith (Cross-posted)

741 | Coffee to Go | Proper 13 Year B

742 | Coffee to Go | Proper 14 Year B

743 | Fair Trade | Linda Stanbridge

744 | Chai Can’t Even | Wes Hodgson

745 | Coffee to Go | Proper 15 Year B

746 | Climate Brewing | Climate Justice in Great Britain | Andrew Fellows

747 | Coffee Buzz | Talk It Out | Stassi Cramm

748 | Coffee to Go | Proper 16 Year B

749 | What’s Brewing | Wasatch Front | Part 1

750 | What’s Brewing | Wasatch Front | Part 2

751 | Coffee to Go | Proper 17 Year B

752 | Nice to Matcha | Mareva Arnaud Tchong | Called to Office of Presiding Evangelist

753 | Coffee to Go | Proper 18 Year B

754 | What’s Brewing | SPEC 2024 Recap

755 | Nice to Matcha | Carrie Welch | Called to Apostle

756 | Coffee to Go | Proper 19 Year B

757 | Say What?! | Live Event | Meet the New Hosts

758 | Nice to Matcha | Matt Frizzell | Called to Apostle

759 | Coffee to Go | Proper 20 Year B

760 | What’s Brewing | Presiding Bishopric Update and Future Plans

761 | Nice to Matcha | Janne Grover | Called to the First Presidency

762 | Coffee to Go | Proper 21 Year B

763 | Coffee in the Swarm | Danny Dennis

764 | Coffee to Go | Proper 22 Year B

765 | Climate Brewing | The Climate Emergency | Paul Bethel

766 | What’s Brewing | Combined Reunions in the Northwest | Part 1

767 | Coffee to Go | Proper 23 Year B

768 | Say What?! | Resolutions and Revelations

769 | What’s Brewing | Combined Reunions in the Northwest | Part 2

770 | Coffee to Go | Proper 24 Year B

771 | Climate Brewing | Paul Bethel and World Conference Resolution G-5

772 | Coffee to Go | Proper 25 Year B

773 | Say What?! | Youth and World Conference | Mollie Linkhart-Pansing

774 | Coffee to Go | All Saints Day

775 | Coffee to Go | Proper 26 Year B

776 | Coffee in the Swarm | Hunter Bouverette

777 | Coffee to Go | Proper 27 Year B

778 | Say What?! | World Conference Resolution G-1 | Spencer Greenhalgh

779 | Coffee to Go | Proper 28 Year B

780 | Cuppa Joe | Women of the Restoration | Estella Wight

781 | Coffee to Go | Proper 29 Year B 

782 | Say What?! | Presiding Evangelist | Jane Gardner

783 | Coffee to Go | First Sunday of Advent Year C

784 | Coffee in the Swarm | Nicole Sherer

785 | Coffee to Go | Second Sunday of Advent Year C

786 | Say What?! | G-11: Climate Emerge Call to Action | Jim Ash

787 | Coffee to Go | Third Sunday of Advent Year C 

788 | Coffee to Go | Fourth Sunday of Advent Year C 

789 | Say What?! | Matt Frizzell | Director of Human Resources

790 | Coffee to Go | Christmas Year C

791 | Coffee to Go | First Sunday After Christmas Year C

792 | Coffee to Go | Second Sunday After Christmas

793 | Coffee to Go | Epiphany Year C

794 | Percolating on Faith | Epiphany (Episode 536 Repost)

795 | Coffee to Go | Epiphany 1 Year C

796 | Nice to Matcha | New Leader | Joey Williams pt. 1

797 | Coffee to Go | Epiphany 2 Year C

798 | Nice to Matcha | Joey Williams pt. 2

799 | Cuppa Joe | Women of the Restoration | Eleanor Kearney

800 | Coffee to Go | Third Sunday After Epiphany Year C

801 | Coffee in the Swarm | Andrew Wolsey Returns

802 | Nice to Matcha | New Leader | Jenn Killpack

803 | Coffee to Go | Fourth Sunday After Epiphany Year C

804 | What’s Brewing | Partnering in Ministry | Noel Scherer and Janelle Anders

805 | Coffee to Go | Fifth Sunday After Epiphany | Year C

806 | Say What?! | President of the High Priest Quorum | Dave Anderson

807 | Nice to Matcha | New Leader | Adam Wade

808 | Coffee to Go |Sixth Sunday After Epiphany | Year C

809 | Nice to Matcha | New Leader | Kat Hnatyshyn

810 | Nice to Matcha | New Leader | Shannon McAdam

811 | Coffee to Go | Seventh Sunday After Epiphany | Year C

812 | Say What?! | G-5: Climate Emergency

813 | Say What?! | G-5: Climate Emergency – Fossil Fuel Reduction | Part II

814 | Coffee to Go | Transfiguration Sunday | Year C

815 | Coffee to Go | Ash Wednesday | Year C

816 | Coffee in the Swarm | Ishbel Wilson

817 | Coffee to Go | First Sunday of Lent | Year C

818 | Cuppa Joe | Women of the Restoration | A Prophetic People

819 | Say What?! | 2025 World Conference Resolution G-12

820 | Coffee to Go | Second Sunday of Lent | Year C

821 | Nice to Matcha | President-Prophet Designate | Stassi Cramm

822 | Coffee to Go | Third Sunday of Lent | Year C

823 | Say What?! | 2025 World Conference Resolutions | G-6 and G-7

824 | Say What?! | 2025 World Conference Resolutions | G-8 and G-9


Extra Shot Episodes

ES 1 | Fireflies | Let the Spirit Breathe

ES 2 | Book Discussion | Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time

ES 3 | Robin Linkhart’s Calling to the Council of Twelve

ES 4 | How Jesus’ Gospel Dismantles Patriarchy

ES 5 | On Darkness and Falling Trees

ES 6 | Christmas Hope for the Brokenhearted

ES 7 | Project Zion Sunstone Panel

ES 8 | The Important Things

ES 9 | Do You Love Me?

ES 10 | Percolating on Faith Introduction

ES 11 | Having the Faith to Doubt

ES 12 | World Conference Translators | Jyotshna Gomanga and Herenui Tepava

ES 13 | Spectacular 2016

ES 14 | Go Fund Mission | Richard Betts

ES 15 | Increase Our Faith

ES16 | Holy Grounds | Ginelle Sakima Roberts

ES 17 | Mary the Magnificat

ES 18 | Holy Grounds | David Brock

ES 19 | Born of Water and Wind

ES 20 | Woman at the Well | Confirmation

ES 21 | Holy Grounds | Dustin Davis 

ES 22 | Holy Grounds | Kassandra Unger 

***ES 23 | Holy Grounds | Brittany Longsdorf

ES 24 | Tom Morain

ES 25 | On Wells and Worrying

ES 26 | Common Grounds | Jason Eyre

ES 27 | Common Grounds | Jessica Hansen

ES 28 | Who is Jesus to You?

ES 29 | Forward with Community

ES 30 | Holy Grounds | Ron Harmon

ES 31 | Common Grounds | All Saints’ Day Part 1 | Daniel Rose

ES 32 | Common Grounds| All Saints Day Part 2 | Lachlan MacKay

ES 33 | Common Grounds | Reign of Christ Sunday 

ES 34 | Christmas with the Davisdons

ES 35 | Common Grounds | Epiphany with Pam Cress

ES 36 | Cuppa Joe | Introduction

ES 37 | Cuppa Joe | Pentecost

ES 38 | Virtual Ministry | Parker Johnson

ES 39 | Virtual Ministry | Rand Irons

ES 40 | Holy Grounds | Monica English

ES 41 | Holy Grounds | Emily Rose

ES 42 | Common Grounds | Advent as a Spiritual Practice | Katie Harmon McLaughlin

ES 43 | What’s Brewing | Mike Seagraves

ES 44 | Holy Grounds | Jessica Hansen

ES 45 | Living Your Faith | Lexie Frazier

ES 46 | Congregation Evangelist Blessings | Brad Johnson 

ES 47 | Meet Our New Host Linda Booth!

ES 48 | Coffee Connect | Pay Attention! God is Near

ES 49 | Coffee Connect | God Shows Up

ES 50 | Becoming a People of the Temple | Bryce Veazey

ES 51 | Coffee Connect | One Person at a Time 

ES 52 | No Filter | Janina Jones

ES 53 | Coffee Connect | Come Home

ES 54 | Coffee Connect | The Face of Jesus 

ES 55 | The Enduring Principles and Starbucks | Marcie Marshall

ES 56 | Coffee Connect | A Christmas Pageant to Remember

ES 57 | Common Grounds | Epiphany | Mike Hoffman

ES 58 | Coffee Connect | Are You Breathing?

ES 59 | Coffee Connect | Praise God for Everything — I Mean Everything 

ES 60 | Holy Grounds | Lisa Ash Drackert 

ES 61 | Coffee Connect | The Promise of Resurrection

ES 62 | Coffee In the Swarm | Graceland University Church History Caravan

ES 63 | Common Grounds | Sacred Space | Prayer for Peace

ES 64 | Coffee Connect | God Shows Up

ES 65 | Cuppa Joe | First Vision

ES 66 | Common Grounds | Sacred Space | Spiritual Practices

ES 67 | Common Grounds | Sacred Space | Sharing Around the Table | Blake Smith

ES 68 | Common Grounds | Sacred Space | Thoughts for Children

ES 69 | Common Grounds | Sacred Space | Sharing Around the Table | Nancy Ross

ES 70 | Before Women’s Ordination in Community of Christ

ES 71 | Women’s Ordination in Community of Christ | The Controversy

ES 72 | Women’s Ordination in Community of Christ | The Call

ES 73 | Women’s Ordination in Community of Christ | Congregational Ministry

ES 74 | Sunstone 2020

ES 75 | Women’s Ordination in Community of Christ | Denominational Ministry

ES 76 | Women’s Ordination in Community of Christ | Interfaith Ministry

ES 77 | Women’s Ordination in Community of Christ | Changes

ES 78 | Developmetrics | David Lloyd

ES 79 | Coffee in The Swarm | Georgia Seagraves

ES 80 | What’s Brewing | Temple Tuesday

ES 81 | Coffee in The Swarm | Casey Main

ES 82 | Coffee in The Swarm | Andrew Wolsey

ES 83 | What’s Brewing | Open Door

ES 84 | Coffee Connect | The Lord is My Shepherd

ES 85 | Coffee in The Swarm | Megan Byrd

ES 86 | Coffee In the Swarm | Alecia Bennett

ES 87 | Coffee Connect | God in the Midst of the Mess

ES 88 | Coffee Connect | The Other Wise Man

ES 89 | Coffee Connect | Praying for a Miracle

ES 90 | Holy Grounds | Harry Potter and The Sacred Text

ES 91 | Coffee Connect | The Promise of Resurrection

ES 92 | Living Restoration

ES 93 | Coffee Connect | Welcome The Christ Child

ES 94 | Coffee Connect | Who Is My Neighbor?

ES 95 | Coffee Connect | An Unusual Friendship

ES 96 | Coffee Connect | Missing Grandsons

ES 97 | Cuppa Joe | Hidden Things Shall Come to Light: The Visual Image of Joseph Smith Jr.

ES 98 | Coffee Connect | I Believe in Miracles

ES 99 | Coffee Connect | Go Out and Be a Friend

ES 100 | Coffee Connect | Stories that Bind

ES 101 | Re-release: Christmas Hope for the Brokenhearted

ES 102 | Coffee Connect | Christmas

ES 103 | Coffee Connect | Who is My Neighbor?

ES 104 | Coffee Connect | World Conference

ES 105 | Coffee Connect | More Than Meets the Eye

ES 106 | Coffee Connect | Diversity and Inclusion

ES 107 | Coffee Connect | God and Country

ES 108 | Coffee Connect | Reconciliation

ES 109 | Coffee Connect | Children in Our Midst

ES 110 | Coffee Connect | Questions, Questions, Questions  

ES 111 | Coffee Connect | What Can Separate Us

ES 112 | Coffee Connect | A God Moment

ES 113 | Coffee Connect | Waiting

ES 114 | Coffee Connect | Meeting Strangers: Colinda’s Story

ES 115 | Coffee Connect | The “Thing”

ES 116 | Extra Shot | The Need for Lament

ES 117 | Extra Shot | Sale of Historic Properties

ES 118 | Extra Shot | International Perspectives on Sacred Space

ES 119 | Extra Shot | Sale of Historic Sites | Perspectives from the Field

ES 120 | Extra Shot | 150th Anniversary of the Church Seal | Andrew Bolton

ES 121 | Coffee Connect | Scripture Comes to Life

ES 122 | Coffee Connect | Prodigal Children

ES 123 | Coffee Connect | It’s All About the Journey

ES 124 | Extra  Shot | Hospitality as a Political Act | Joelle Wight

ES 125 | Extra Shot | Women of the Restoration | Estella Wight 

ES 126 | Extra Shot | Hospitality with Young People | Adam Wade

ES 127 | Extra Shot | Hospitality with the Spiritual But Not Religious

ES 128 | Extra Shot | Mormon and Evangelical Boundaries | Pt. 1

ES 129 | Extra Shot | Mormon and Evangelical Boundaries | Pt. 2

ES 130 | Extra Shot | Hospitality with Refugees | Joey Williams

ES 131 | Extra Shot | Hospitality as Being a Good Guest | Larry McGuire

ES 132 | Coffee Connect | Small Steps

ES 57 RE-POST | Common Grounds | Epiphany

ES 133 | Extra Shot | Ask the Parliamentarian

Awaken to God’s Presence 

A1 | Awaken to God’s Presence: Finding Calm in the Storm | The Prayer of Examen

A2 | Awaken to God’s Presence: Finding Calm in the Storm | The Welcoming Prayer

A3 | Awaken to God’s Presence: Finding Calm in the Storm | Holy Attention

A4 | Awaken to God’s Presence: Finding Calm in the Storm | Gospel Imaginative Contemplation 

A5 | Awaken to God’s Presence: Finding Calm in the Storm | Breath Prayer

A6 | Awaken to God’s Presence: Finding Calm in the Storm | Circles of Blessing 

A7 | Awaken to God’s Presence: Finding Calm in the Storm | Centering Prayer

A8 | Awaken to God’s Presence: Finding Calm in the Storm | Holding in the Light

A9 | Awaken to God’s Presence: Finding Calm in the Storm | Lectio Divina

A10 | Awaken to God’s Presence: Finding Calm in the Storm | Prophetic Imagination

A11 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Walking the Neighborhood

A12 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Nonviolence

A13 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Pride in the Temple

A14 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Micah 6:8 Lectio Divina

A15 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Blessing the Boats

A16 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Lectio Divina Prophetic Voice

A17 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Autumn Harvest

A18 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Pause, Gratitude, and Thanksgiving

A19| Awaken to God’s Presence | Sacred Waiting

A20 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Teach Me to Listen

A21 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Centering Prayer

A22 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Jane Gardner

A23 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Dwelling – World Conference

A24 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Seeds and Planting | Robin Linkhart

A25 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Pride Flag Guided Meditation

A26 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Sacredness of Creation

A27 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Worth of All Persons

A28 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Responsible Choices

A29 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Blessings of Community

A30 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Grace and Generosity

A31 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Pursuit of Peace

A32 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Unity in Diversity

A33 | Awaken to God’s Presence | All Are Called

A34 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Continuing Revelation

A35 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Communi-tea

A36 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Celebration of Wonderful Things | Pride Month

A37 | Awaken to God’s Presence | God of All the Nations

A38 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Finding Calm in the Storm | The Welcoming Prayer (RE-POST EPISODE A2)

A39 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Embodied Lectio Divina

A40 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Power of Story

A41 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Guided Meditation

A42 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Advent/Christmas Journey

A43 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Epiphany | Robin Linkhart

A44 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Black History Month

A45 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Ashes