
583 | Coffee to Go | Ascension Sunday

He’s gone.  He’s back. He’s gone again… now what? Have you ever found yourself feeling like the disciples must have on the day when Jesus ascended into heaven and before the coming of the promised Advocate? Confused? Lost? Uncertain? Living in the in-between?  Join hosts Karin Peter and Blake Smith for this episode of Coffee…

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ES 105 | Coffee Connect | More Than Meets the Eye

Life might be better if we could just be handed “truth” on a proverbial silver platter.  It would probably be easier if everything we thought we knew was all we needed to know.  But, that’s not the way it works in a global, diverse community like the one we live in.  Join host Blake Smith…

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582 | What’s Brewing | Lamoni Food Pantry

At the Lamoni Food Pantry, choice matters! What started in a small basement room of a local church has continued to grow and expand … now serving more than 80 families a month. And that’s not even the best part! The best part is that those families are treated with dignity. Because of the blessings…

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581 | Coffee to Go | 6th Sunday of Easter

Time is running short and Jesus has an important last-minute message to “drill” into the heads of his disciples. “This is my commandment that you LOVE ONE ANOTHER!” Before you get comfortable… that wasn’t just a message for the disciples …. “back then.” The mandate remains for us today! Join hosts Karin Peter and Blake…

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580 | What’s Brewing | Beyond the Horizon Michigan

Not everyone does church the same way or at the same time. Beyond the Horizon is a new expression of the church in Michigan that has shown how amazing things can happen when friends and neighbors come together in relevant and accessible ways to meet their spiritual needs.  Join host, Brittany Mangelson as she sits…

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579 | Coffee in the Swarm | Addison Cole

For some, the thought of getting “lost” in the masses is the preferred way to exist. But, for others, like Graceland University Freshman Addison Cole, a small university and a small-town atmosphere like Lamoni, IA is the perfect place to find one’s self. At Graceland, Addison has found a place where community is more important…

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578 | Coffee to Go | 5th Sunday of Easter

Yes, we’re still in the season of Easter. But, it’s getting close to time for Jesus’ departure, and he is on an errand of hospitality. The disciples are concerned. How will they find their way to the divine dwelling place of which Jesus speaks? Jesus has not only shown the disciples “the way,” he has…

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577 | Cuppa Joe | Historic Sites

Who knew history could be so exciting?  Barbara Walden and Lach Machay… that’s who!  But, it doesn’t have to stop with them.  Your story is church history.  Join host Carla Long as she sits down with Barb and Lach to hear about what’s happening with the Community of Christ Historic Sites, the role that the…

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A24 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Seeds and Planting | Robin Linkhart

Gardens can be places of beauty and awe. Gardens of all types are places where new life springs forth, and where hope is realized. We are the gardens in which God plants seeds in preparation for what is to come. We are patches of soil that need preparing, and tending so that God’s dream can…

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576 | Coffee to Go | 4th Sunday of Easter

Fences are meant to keep things out … to protect what is inside. Gates, on the other hand, are meant to provide a passage through… both in and out. When you hear Jesus say, “I am the Gate,” what does that mean to you? In what ways is your life a “gate”… providing an entry…

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