Search results for: Awaken to God’s Presence

A3 | Awaken to God’s Presence: Finding Calm in the Storm | Holy Attention

A gift of peace in the midst of troubling times. Guided practices to help you connect with the Divine no matter where you are or what’s going on around you. Featuring a new practice every Wednesday led by Katie Harmon-McLaughlin, Community of Christ Spiritual Formation Ministries. Download Transcript

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A2 | Awaken to God’s Presence: Finding Calm in the Storm | The Welcoming Prayer

A gift of peace in the midst of troubling times. Guided practices to help you connect with the Divine no matter where you are or what’s going on around you. Featuring a new practice every Wednesday led by Katie Harmon-McLaughlin, Community of Christ Spiritual Formation Ministries. Download Transcript

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A1 | Awaken to God’s Presence: Finding Calm in the Storm | The Prayer of Examen

A gift of peace in the midst of troubling times. Guided practices to help you connect with the Divine no matter where you are or what’s going on around you. Featuring a new practice every Wednesday led by Katie Harmon-McLaughlin, Community of Christ Spiritual Formation Ministries. Download Transcript

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A39 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Embodied Lectio Divina

So many things demand our attention, causing us to live our lives in a hurried pace … rarely offering us a chance to catch our breath, much less pay attention to our breath and the toll stress takes on our bodies.  There’s no better time than the present to pause and take care of yourself….

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A38 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Finding Calm in the Storm | The Welcoming Prayer (RE-POST EPISODE A2)

Summertime comes with a vengeance this year across much of our world. Sustained high temperatures can have broad impact like damaging crops, illness or death for livestock, widespread power outages, and severe risk of wildfires. Several fires are blazing across the globe today. Sometimes our spiritual lives can feel scorched by heat, dried in the…

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A37 | Awaken to God’s Presence | God of All the Nations

There is no shame in being thankful for one’s blessings, especially as they relate to one’s country of origin or residence…. as long as the gratitude is grounded in an understanding that God doesn’t favor any one nation over another. After all, God is God of all the nations. It’s important to remember that people…

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A36 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Celebration of Wonderful Things | Pride Month

In 1964, Julie Andrews, playing the role of Mary Poppins sang the song “My Favorite Things.” In today’s episode of Awaken to God’s Presence, host and spiritual director Tyler Marz focuses the listener’s attention on wonderful things. Using Howard Thurman’s poem How Wonderful as a starting point, Tyler encourages us to celebrate the wonderful things found in life ……

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A34 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Continuing Revelation

From its very beginning, Community of Christ has looked to continuing revelation for guidance and direction for the path ahead.  And, we have not been disappointed.  Surprised at times…yes. Disappointed … no. As those called to be a prophetic people, it is important for us to discern … to patiently listen to God’s leadings as…

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A31 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Pursuit of Peace

Can you imagine what true peace would look like in your life?  Would it be connected to a physical place or a quiet place in your soul? In this month’s episode of Awaken to God’s Presence, host Wendy Brian encourages us to join her in an imaginative meditation … creating for ourselves a “Shalom space”…

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A30 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Grace and Generosity

When we consider the deeper meaning of grace (beyond the prayer that one says before a meal), we cannot help but think of generosity. Grace is a gift from God offered without condition and without end. God’s generous gift of grace in our lives, in turn, evokes a deep sense of gratitude. In this episode…

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