“Anticipation, it’s making me wait.” These are not just the words to the refrain of a Carly Simon song or a ‘70s ketchup commercial. It is an expression of what we experience as we sit in the uncertainty of Holy Saturday… between the crucifixion of Good Friday and the resurrection of Easter. It’s also something experienced by many in the everyday uncertainty of life. Join hosts Karin Peter and Blake Smith for a look at the good and bad of waiting on Holy Saturday, and find ways to make that waiting meaningful.
Quoted in this episode:
- Michelle Van Loon, Moments and Days: How Our Holy Celebrations Shape Our Faith, (Colorado Springs: NavPress, 2016)
- “By Gracious Powers,” Community of Christ Sings 268, Words: Dietrich Bonhoeffer, 1906–1945; Eng. tr. Fred Pratt Green, 1903–2000. Eng. tr. © 1974 Hope Publishing Company.
Other recommended hymns mentioned:
- “Jesus Remember Me,” Community of Christ Sings 459
- “Why Has God Forsaken Me,” Community of Christ Sings 460