How do we make sense of all the evil in the world? It can’t be God, because God is love. And, it can’t be me, because I’m not capable of evil. There has to be some explanation. There has to be someone or something that we can blame! I know… “The Devil made me do it!” This is not a new conundrum. It’s been going on for millennia. Listen in as Tony and Charmaine Chvala-Smith give host Carla Long the inside scoop on how “Satan” came to take the blame for all of the evil in the world. Maybe it’s not the Devil’s fault after all.
1 comment on “569 | Percolating on Faith | Satan”
For further reading on this topic, I recommend “The Death of Satan”, by Andrew Delbanco. The author tells of how people in America from colonial times forward regularly attributed misfortune to the influence of Satan. This pattern of thinking began to decline with the enormity of death during the American Civil War.