Establishing one’s true identity and living in that identity may require the creation of boundaries. How can one know who they are without, in some circumstances, knowing who they are not? The Reorganization has faced some identity challenges over the years as a result of its shared history with the Mormon church and the tendency of its membership to draw on sources that don’t necessarily align with the church’s stated beliefs. In part one of this two-part Extra Shot episode, Tony and Charmaine Chvala-Smith set out to explain why establishing boundaries can be important if not outright necessary.
Mormon and Protestant Boundaries
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Intro and Outro music used with permission:
“For Everyone Born,” Community of Christ Sings #285. Music © 2006 Brian Mann, admin. General Board of Global Ministries t/a GBGMusik, 458 Ponce de Leon Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30308. copyright@umcmission.org
“The Trees of the Field,” Community of Christ Sings # 645, Music © 1975 Stuart Dauerman, Lillenas Publishing Company (admin. Music Services).
All music for this episode was performed by Dr. Jan Kraybill, and produced by Chad Godfrey.
NOTE: The series that make up the Project Zion Podcast explore the unique spiritual and theological gifts Community of Christ offers for today’s world. Although Project Zion Podcast is a Ministry of Community of Christ. The views and opinions expressed in this episode are those speaking and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Community of Christ.
Immigrants went to similar places for more than just the familiar feel. They were farmers, they needed to know how to support their families from the land and the climate. Farmers from Poland and the Netherlands new how to raise crops and livestock from the sandy soil in a damp and cool climate. Could the “familiar climate” in the restoration be deeper than just “how it felt?”