Podcast: Awaken To God's Presence

Created in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, this series features guided spiritual practices to help you connect with the Divine no matter where you are or what’s going on around you. The original set is A1 thru A10. More guided practices are added periodically. Push pause on your life for fifteen minutes and receive a gift of peace…in the midst of the storm.

A28 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Responsible Choices

Like the Apostle Paul, we sometimes find ourselves doing the very things we hate, even though we know better. Making responsible choices can get sidelined by spontaneous responses to the world around us. It’s certainly easier to make responsible choices when we have time to think them through. In today’s episode of “Awaken to God’s…

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A27 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Worth of All Persons

What is your worth in your eyes? In the eyes of others? In God’s eyes? Community of Christ upholds nine Enduring Principles, one of which is the Worth of All Persons. You are included in that “all.” Join host Wendy Brian for a guided meditation that will help you listen for God’s call in your…

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A26 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Sacredness of Creation

Community of Christ counts “Sacredness of Creation” as one of its Enduring Principles. We often hear exclamations noting creation’s beauty and the ways in which our lives are touched by it. But how often do we take the time to really take it in… to acknowledge the elements of fire, air, water, and earth…and, to…

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A25 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Pride Flag Guided Meditation

God loves all of God’s creation! ALL… No if, ands, or buts. Unfortunately, that is not always communicated and lived out in authentic, life-giving ways … especially to those In the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.  For this episode of Awaken to God’s Presence, and in recognition of Pride Month, host Robin Linkhart, leads listeners through a guided…

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A24 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Seeds and Planting | Robin Linkhart

Gardens can be places of beauty and awe. Gardens of all types are places where new life springs forth, and where hope is realized. We are the gardens in which God plants seeds in preparation for what is to come. We are patches of soil that need preparing, and tending so that God’s dream can…

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A23 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Dwelling – World Conference

Take some time to journey with host, Tyler Marz, on a “Dwelling” adventure to the place where many will soon gather for World Conference. Place yourself in the seats where hymns have been sung, legislation has been considered, inspired words have been shared, and lives have been encouraged to carry on the mission of Jesus…

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A22 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Jane Gardner

Have you ever stopped to consider the magnitude of the stars? In this episode of Awaken to God’s presence, Presiding Evangelist Jane Gardner helps listeners reflect on the condition of their hearts… considering what is written there. Journey with Jane in reflection and confession through the spiritual practice of Body Prayer, and find healing and…

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A21 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Centering Prayer

Could you use some quiet in your life? A little more time to be with God? Join Tyler Marz as he introduces and leads the practice of Centering Prayer. All you need is ten minutes, and it will be time well spent.  HOST: Tyler Marz Download Transcript

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A20 | Awaken to God’s Presence | Teach Me to Listen

Minister Tyler Marz takes us through a Jesuit prayer to start us off in 2023!  Host: Tyler Marz Download Transcript

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A19| Awaken to God’s Presence | Sacred Waiting

Advent is a time for intentional waiting. Join Tyler Marz as he takes us through a meditative practice based on the hymn “God Almighty, We Are Waiting”, from Community of Christ Sings #397. Host: Tyler Marz Download Transcript

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