Podcast: Common Grounds

Common. It’s been around a long time. But some of us aren’t exactly sure what it is, how it functions, why it’s important, or who came up with it and when. Welcome to the PZP series that will introduce you to the Christian liturgical calendar and Revised Common Lectionary. Step by step, host Karin Peter guides us through all the times and seasons important to the Christian faith and how they take us on an adventure tour through scripture. Special introduction to Sacred Space, lectionary based small group ministry, included here.

727 | Coffee to Go | Proper 8

Join hosts Karin Peter and Blake Smith as they dive into a captivating exploration of faith, healing, and the transformative power of Jesus’ presence in this episode of “Coffee to Go.” Delving into the Gospel of Mark, they unpack two miraculous stories that not only showcase the incredible faith of those who encountered Jesus but…

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724 | Coffee to Go | Proper 7

This week on “Coffee to Go,” Blake Smith and Karin Peter explore the theme of faith in the face of life’s storms, drawing from the Gospel of Mark where Jesus calms a raging sea. The hosts discuss the misconceptions surrounding faith and challenge the idea that it should be used to compare oneself to others…

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721 | Coffee to Go | Proper 6

Holy Invasion… doesn’t that sound intriguing? Perhaps a bit scary or creepy rather. In this episode of Coffee to Go, we find Jesus speaking in parables. Hosts Karin Peter and Blake Smith consider the importance of approaching those parables as a heart project versus a head project. Like poetry, sometimes it’s good to just “experience”…

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718 | Coffee to Go | Proper 5

Turn down the noise! (After you listen to this episode of Coffee to Go, of course). Sometimes the chaos that results from large gatherings can get a bit overwhelming… and Jesus did not get a “pass” when it came to crowds.  Add to that the cacophony of questions, challenges of authority, and requests for healing,…

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716 | Coffee to Go | Proper 4

Take a break. Put your feet up. Grab some coffee. Whatever it is you do to rest.  Just don’t confuse that kind of rest with Sabbath. In this episode of Coffee to Go, we find Jesus and his disciples clashing with the religious leaders over the issue of Sabbath.  Join co-hosts Karin Peter and Blake…

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713 | Coffee to Go | Trinity Sunday

What’s more confusing than the old, “Who’s on First?” Abbot and Costello routine? If you have no idea what … or who … we’re talking about … Google it! Then, grab your coffee and your thinking cap because today is Trinity Sunday, and little in this world is more confusing than the Trinity. Join hosts…

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710 | Coffee to Go | Pentecost Sunday

Goodness, gracious, great tongues of fire! It’s Pentecost, and anything is possible when the Holy Spirit is on the loose and seeking to infiltrate your heart. By the way, if the thought of people from all over the world speaking in their own language and you understanding without a translator being present is confusing, intriguing…

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708 | Coffee to Go | Ascension Sunday

Wait. Rest. Bless. Repeat. What if Ascension Sunday was about more than Jesus leaving to be with God? What if the disciples just needed a break … a time to rest … a time to make space for the coming of the Holy Spirit? Imagine how exhausted the disciples must have been, physically and emotionally…

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706 | Coffee to Go | Sixth Sunday of Easter

Live, eat, breathe, speak, act in love toward one another … even those who seem unlovable.  That’s a tall order, but that is what is expected of one who “journeys with Jesus.” Join hosts Karin Peter and Blake Smith for another week of “abiding.” Be prepared for a week of deep and abiding love. We’ve…

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703 | Coffee to Go | Fifth Sunday of Easter

WARNING: This episode may make those with small personal space a little uncomfortable because things are going to get a little “clingy.” That’s right, this week Jesus tells his disciples (and us) that he is the vine and we are the branches. The goal … bearing fruit. And, in order to bear fruit, the branches…

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