Podcast: Common Grounds

Common. It’s been around a long time. But some of us aren’t exactly sure what it is, how it functions, why it’s important, or who came up with it and when. Welcome to the PZP series that will introduce you to the Christian liturgical calendar and Revised Common Lectionary. Step by step, host Karin Peter guides us through all the times and seasons important to the Christian faith and how they take us on an adventure tour through scripture. Special introduction to Sacred Space, lectionary based small group ministry, included here.

647 | Coffee to Go | Proper 27

In need of an “oil change?” Or, perhaps your oil is just running a little low and you need to top it off. Either way, the time is now… don’t wait!  What’s all this talk about oil, you ask? Well, join hosts Karin Peter and Blake Smith … along with the wise and foolish bridesmaids…

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645 | Coffee to Go | Proper 26

Do you have phylacteries and long tassels (fancy cars, designer clothing and accessories, etc.) that you like to show off as a symbol of your status? Though there’s nothing wrong with having those things, how you display them, and for what reason, might matter. The same is true for your life as a disciple.  Join…

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644 | Coffee to Go | All Saints Day

Who are the “Saints” in your life?  You know, the ones that have been a positive influence in your life.  The ones that have modeled grace and generosity and unconditional love.  In this special episode of Coffee to Go, hosts Karin Peter and Blake Smith talk a bit about the importance of honoring those who…

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642 | Coffee to Go | Proper 25

When you get to the point that you’re asking Jesus which of the commandments (laws) is the greatest, you’re either trying to trick him, or you’re looking for a loophole! If your intent is to trick, be prepared to have the tables turned on you.  If your intent is to find a loophole, well ……

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639 | Coffee to Go | Proper 24

Most everyone wants to belong … to a group or organization or sacred community, but not many folks will admit wanting to belong to someone.  It’s a good thing, then, that God is not just any some “one.” And, from the day of our conception, and made public in the waters of baptism, we belong…

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636 | Coffee to Go | Proper 23

What do you wear to a party? You might say, “Well, it depends on what type of party it is, when it is and where it’s being held.” What if we told you that the party is every day, in every circumstance, and Jesus is the host? The reality is that you, and all of…

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633 | Coffee to Go | Proper 22

It’s all about the fruit! So, what kind of fruit are you producing and harvesting?  You wouldn’t want to be an unproductive “tenant” would you? This week’s journey with Jesus finds him facing off with some of the chief priests and Pharisees… again! Join hosts Karin Peter and Blake Smith as they explore the Parable…

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631 | Coffee to Go | Proper 21

When it comes to matters of faith, it’s sometimes hard to know whether to stand up or to stay quiet.   Today’s episode finds hosts Karin Peter and Blake Smith journeying with Jesus in Jerusalem as the religious leaders are questioning Jesus about his authority. And, no surprise, Jesus has a question or two of…

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628 | Coffee to Go | Proper 20

“That’s not fair!” is a common response to today’s gospel passage.  But, then again, nothing is in the Kingdom of God … thank goodness!  If things were “fair” we might get what we actually deserve rather than the grace and unconditional love offered to us freely by God. This week, hosts Karin Peter and Blake…

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625 | Coffee to Go | Proper 19

This week’s journey with Jesus comes with an especially difficult but incredibly important challenge … the mandate to forgive. Too often, when we encounter conflict or disappointment with someone else, we choose to simply move on rather than seek forgiveness and reconciliation … especially when dealing with “repeat offenders.” But as cohost Karin Peter reminds…

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