Podcast: Common Grounds

Common. It’s been around a long time. But some of us aren’t exactly sure what it is, how it functions, why it’s important, or who came up with it and when. Welcome to the PZP series that will introduce you to the Christian liturgical calendar and Revised Common Lectionary. Step by step, host Karin Peter guides us through all the times and seasons important to the Christian faith and how they take us on an adventure tour through scripture. Special introduction to Sacred Space, lectionary based small group ministry, included here.

554 | Coffee to Go | Second Week of Lent

How can these things be? On this, the second Sunday of Lent, join hosts Karin Peter and Blake Smith as they engage with Nicodemus and Jesus in a teachable moment about the natural and spiritual birth that God desires for all of us and creation.  Consider the fact that some things having to do with…

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551 | Coffee to Go | First Week of Lent

Are you ready for a little time in the wilderness, or is life a wilderness from which you need a break? In this episode of Coffee to Go, join cohosts Karin Peter and Blake Smith on this first Sunday of Lent as they consider what it means to join Jesus in the wilderness. What does…

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549 | Coffee to Go | Ash Wednesday

In this, the first episode of Coffee to Go, co-hosts Karin Peter and Blake Smith, focus their conversation on Ash Wednesday… its purpose…and its call on our lives as disciples of and co-journeyers with Jesus. See how David’s heartfelt self-reflection and repentance in Psalm 51 connects with our own need to make space for God,…

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547 | Coffee to Go | Introduction

Lots of people wonder if Jesus has any value for their life and faith journey. Sometimes it is difficult to connect what we read in the scriptures with what we experience in daily life. Join co-hosts, Karin Peter and Blake Smith, for this introduction to “Coffee to Go”… a new weekly series in the Project…

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363 | Common Grounds | Good Friday through Easter | Dale and Judy Luffman (Rebroadcast)

Originally released April 14th, 2017, Project Zion is rebroadcasting our  interview with Judy and the late Apostle Dale Luffman. Judy and Dale discuss the most important weekend in Christianity: Good Friday through Easter.  *Apostle Dale Luffman passed away on March 25, 2020.  Host: Karin PeterGuest: Judy and Dale Luffman Download Transcript

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ES 69 | Common Grounds | Sacred Space | Sharing Around the Table | Nancy Ross

Facilitating conversation around the lectionary scripture can be difficult when you’ve had a complicated relationship with scripture. Today, Nancy Ross shares some insights into this process as a writer for the Sacred Space resource.  Host: Karin PeterGuest: Nancy Ross Download Transcript

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ES 68 | Common Grounds | Sacred Space | Thoughts for Children

Including children in worship benefits the kids and the congregation in ways that can last a lifetime. In Sacred Space: a Resource for Small-group Ministry, an element called, Thoughts for Children is included each week. Writer Joelle Wight shares the importance of including children in worship and how writing this resource has helped deepen her…

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ES 67 | Common Grounds | Sacred Space | Sharing Around the Table | Blake Smith

While gathering for worship, it can be helpful to have options for engaging with scripture outside of a traditional sermon. Sacred Space: a Resource for Small-group Ministry uses the spiritual practice of Sharing Around the Table to explore the scripture for the week. Blake Smith, one of the writers for this resource, shares with Karin…

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ES 66 | Common Grounds | Sacred Space | Spiritual Practices

Spiritual Practices are an important part of worship in Community of Christ. Today Royleane Otteson shares about writing spiritual practices for the Sacred Space resource and how learning about the liturgical calendar has helped her rebuild after a faith transition.  Host: Karin PeterGuest: Royleane Otteson Download Transcript

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ES 63 | Common Grounds | Sacred Space | Prayer for Peace

Our Common Grounds series is all about the Liturgical Calendar. For the next few Common Grounds episodes, we will be exploring various aspects of Sacred Space: A Resource for Small-group Ministry with the Sacred Space writers. Today, we focus on the Prayer for Peace. Host: Karin Peter Guests: Tiffany and Caleb Brian Download Transcript

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