Podcast: Open Topics

ES 133 | Extra Shot | Ask the Parliamentarian

If talking parliamentary procedure and Robert’s Rules of Order is like speaking a foreign language to you, you’re at the right place. Join members of the World Church Leadership as well as International Headquarters staff as they put the question to World Church Parliamentarian extraordinaire, John Wight.  Chances are the questions that are rolling around…

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ES 131 | Extra Shot | Hospitality as Being a Good Guest | Larry McGuire

When we think of hospitality, we often think about how we treat those we consider guests … when others enter our spaces.  But, what does hospitality mean for us (and require of us) when we enter the spaces of others? In this Extra Shot episode in the hospitality series presented by the Council of Presidents of Seventy,…

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ES 130 | Extra Shot | Hospitality with Refugees | Joey Williams

In a world full of refugees (political, climate, and otherwise), we ought to remember that those who began this movement … this church … were refugees more than once. The importance of having a place to belong that is safe and welcoming … where everyone, including women and children, can thrive while maintaining connections to…

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ES 129 | Extra Shot | Mormon and Evangelical Boundaries | Pt. 2

“Boundaries are what makes relationships possible,” argues Tony Chvala-Smith in the second part of this Extra Shot episode where he and Charmaine sit down with host, Blake Smith, to talk about the importance of boundaries for establishing our identity … as a church community as well as personally. You may think the Community of Christ…

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ES 128 | Extra Shot | Mormon and Evangelical Boundaries | Pt. 1

Establishing one’s true identity and living in that identity may require the creation of boundaries.  How can one know who they are without, in some circumstances, knowing who they are not? The Reorganization has faced some identity challenges over the years as a result of its shared history with the Mormon church and the tendency…

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ES 127 | Extra Shot | Hospitality with the Spiritual But Not Religious

Not everyone who wants a meaningful relationship with God wants a relationship with church. As a matter of fact, a growing number of people who identify as “spiritual but not religious” have no desire for such a relationship… at least not as it is currently understood by most “churchy” people. Listen in to this Extra…

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ES 126 | Extra Shot | Hospitality with Young People | Adam Wade

The world is changing with each new generation as we become a more global and technologically advanced (dare we say dependent) community, and none of this is lost on young people. Not only is their world changing, their needs are changing as well. What was seen as hospitality to young people even a decade ago,…

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ES 125 | Extra Shot | Hospitality as Essential to Mission

“Hospitality is not a missionary tool. It is not a tactic to get people to come to church. It is not something we do once in a while as part of our social or religious obligation, Christ-centered hospitality is a way of life that responds to the God who invites, welcomes and nurtures us,” says…

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ES 124 | Hospitality as a Political Act | Joelle Wight

Let’s be clear, separation of church and state does not mean that disciples of Jesus Christ should avoid being politically active!  Jesus was political. How could he not be, if he hoped to bring about the reign of God on earth? Left unchecked, politics can threaten the things we hold dear … the worth of…

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740 | Ministry for Dummies | Music and Our Faith (Cross-posted)

In case you haven’t noticed, music plays a big role in the lives of both Humberto Tinsman and Jacob Ross, creators and hosts of the Ministry for Dummies podcast. And they are back in this cross-post of their fourth episode, Music and Our Faith. Watch out, they’ve got some strong opinions about what’s good and…

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