Podcast: Open Topics

ES 25 | On Wells and Worrying

When the Israelites wandered in the desert, God provided food in the form of manna and, according to midrashic tradition, water in the form of a miraculous well that belonged to the prophetess Miriam. In this extra shot episode, Katie Langston preaches on wells, worrying, and the gracious abundance of God’s love.

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80 | Different Philosophical Approaches to Religion | A Response to Radio Free Mormon

Join Josh Mangelson in this episode as he works off another episode from Radio Free Mormon discussing two different philosophical approaches to religion. You may be able to listen without listening to the episode referenced from Radio Free Mormon, however, if you feel lost please listen to that episode first linked here.  Download Transcript

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71 | Prophets of the Bible

Katie Langston interviews Dr. Kathryn Schifferdecker about prophets in the Hebrew Bible. Who were the prophets? What were they concerned with? What does it mean to be prophetic in our contemporary context?

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64 | Bible and Empire

Join Katie Langston as she interviews Dr. Cameron Howard about reading the Bible through the lens of Empire. How does understanding political context–both ancient and contemporary–affect the way we read the Bible? Discover how in many ways the Bible is both a response to, and a product of, oppressive imperial structures and what that means…

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57 | Eco-Feminism | Priscilla Eppinger

Join Katie as she talks with Dr. Priscilla Eppinger about eco-feminism, theology, and how our perspectives of God shape the way we interact with the natural world.

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60 | Janné Grover

Join Brittany as she sits down with Apostle Janné Grover. They discuss Janné’s background in the church, her journey to the role she’s in today, balancing ministry and family, as well as her wishes for the future as she walks with the church and helps develop disciples.

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58 | Community Place | Alfredo Zelaya-Martinez

Join Carla as she talks with a Community of Christ minister from Canada, Alfredo Zelaya-Martinez, as he describes a new in-person and online ministry called Community Place.

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