Podcast: Open Topics

364 | Celebrating 20 Years as Community of Christ

Listen to the candid and inspiring stories of how the Spirit moved among the people and leadership as we embraced our name, Community of Christ. Two retired General Officers share the inside story as well as their personal journeys of awakening to what was being birthed among us. Host: Robin LinkhartGuest: Danny Belrose and Ken…

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358 | Sealed | Katie Langston

Author Katie Langston shares about her new book, Sealed. It’s a journey of transformation, a meditation on grace and belonging, and the candid story of an anxious Mormon girl becoming a Lutheran minister. Preorder Katie’s Sealed Katie’s Website PZP Episode 71: Prophets of the Bible https://www.projectzionpodcast.org/episode-71-prophets-of-the-bible/ On Wells and Worrying (a sermon by Katie Langston) https://www.projectzionpodcast.org/extra-shot-episode-25-on-wells-and-worrying/…

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301 | Priesthood Authority | John Hamer

Where does Community of Christ get our priesthood authority? What about the larger Restoration movement? What about Christianity as a whole? Restoration scholar and Seventy, John Hamer, joins Carla to answer these questions and more!  Host: Carla Long Guest: John Hamer  Download Transcript

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298 | Church History Principles and Q&A Pt 2 | Lach Mackay and Barbara Walden

What do you do when a terrific class runs out of time to answer all the questions? You do a follow up interview with Project Zion Podcast. Historians Barbara Walden and Lachlan Mackay tackle a long list of questions still in the queue at the conclusion of their class exploration of Restoration History thru the…

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297 | Church History Principles and Q&A | Lach Mackay and Barbara Walden

This podcast features an engaging class and dynamic Q and A focused on the Community of Christ Church History Principles and the exploration of Restoration history. Originally provided as part of Salt Lake City Community of Christ annual 2020 Sunstone Sunday Invitational. Don’t miss the follow up PZP interview with these church historians featuring all…

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ES 78 | Developmetrics | David Lloyd

Continuing education is important aspect of discipleship in Community of Christ. The church in Canada has provided a way for much of this education to happen online through Developmentrics, LLC. Today, Carla talks with David Lloyd as he explains the format of the classes, what is offered, and how you can benefit from taking Temple…

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ES 74 | Sunstone 2020

Sunstone 2020 is going digital this year! They symposium will take place July 29th-August 2nd. Listen in as Sunstone Executive Director Lindsay Hansen Park shares about the history of the symposium, what to expect this year, and how Community of Christ is involved. Register today! Host: Karin PeterGuest: Lindsay Hansen Park Download Transcript

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282 | Postmodernism and Faith | Kent Thompson

Having been birthed in modernism, the Restoration has now found itself in a postmodern world. Many folks are walking away from institutional religion and are open to finding truth wherever the can. How have Restoration denominations responded to this and what does it mean for Community of Christ? Today we are joined by PhD candidate,…

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279 | Peace, Justice, and the Role of Conflict | Matt Frizzell

 Humans are often resistant to conflict, but what if working through conflict is the way to peace and justice? Join Matt Frizzell as he talks with Carla about the relationship between justice and conflict and how they can be used as tools to build the peaceable kingdom.  Host: Carla Long Guest: Matt Frizzell Download Transcript

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276 | Camping in Community of Christ | Emily Rose

Community of Christ has a rich history and tradition with summer camping. Because of Covid-19, camps across the church are being cancelled or being moved online. Today, Emily Rose shares about the importance of camping in Community of Christ and how ministers are working to find solutions for keeping the camping spirit alive, even when…

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