Podcast: What’s Brewing

What is mission and why does it matter? This is the place we talk to people who are actively engaged in that question and discovering a wide variety of pathways to follow Jesus the peaceful One. Push play and join the adventure as we explore how God is showing up in the neighborhood and people of faith are living out mission in transforming ways.

420 | What’s Brewing | Learning in Ministry in Utah

Two Latter-day Seekers ministers share stories from their ministry walking with seekers who are renewing their relationship with God. Host: Robin Linkhart Guest: JoAnn Fisher and Carla Long Download Transcript

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405 | What’s Brewing | Friends Committee on National Legislation

Supporting Christ’s mission of peace is not just an act of sitting in church pews. Today as part of our What’s Brewing series, Stephen Donahoe shares about his work with Friends Committee on National Legislation; a Quaker peace and justice advocacy organization. For Stephen, living his faith means lobbying for systemic change that helps abolish…

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397 | What’s Brewing | Temple Tuesday

Temple Tuesday is a video project sponsored by Latter-day Seeker Ministries that introduces the Temple to friends and members of Community of Christ. Every week host Joey Williams takes us to a new part of the Temple in Independence Missouri, and connects this important building to our mission of peace. Today on the podcast, Joey…

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386 | What’s Brewing | Beyond the Walls Choir

The Beyond the Walls choir is a global virtual choir sponsored by the Toronto Community of Christ congregation. It takes a lot of work to combine voices from all over the world and today Leandro Palacios joins us to give us a behind-the-scenes peek at this choir that has continued to keep so many connected…

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385 | What’s Brewing | GROW

Helping congregations and groups live our Mission Initiatives is no small task! Luckily, there is a way to break them down into small bite-size steps that can be transformative to a community. GROW is a process that helps congregations live Christ’s mission as their own. Today on Project Zion, Art Woodcock shares all about it…

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382 | What’s Brewing | Richard James

Mission burns brightly across the globe. Grab a cup of your favorite English tea and give this podcast a listen. Get to know more about Apostle Richard James and all the life-changing ways Community of Christ is living out mission across the Eurasia Mission Field. Refreshing, inspiring, and innovative. Host: Robin LinkhartGuest: Richard James  Download…

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378 | What’s Brewing | Headwaters Mission Center’s Volunteer Staff

Headwaters Mission Center functions with a full volunteer staff. Today they share how their team puts their skills together to ensure the mission center stays connected, supported, and spiritually fed.  Host: Carla LongGuests: Colleen Hancock, Karen Hill, Serena Sato, Chris Davisdon, Matt Davisdon Download Transcript

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372 | What’s Brewing | Dunfield House

Dunfield House is Community of Christ’s beloved campground in the UK. It has a rich history and provides sanctuary and retreat for groups from all over the world. There’s a labyrinth, a peace garden, a pool, 15 acres of grass and woodlands, and plenty of folklore to keep you entertained! Learn more about Dunfield House…

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371 | What’s Brewing | Closing the Digital Divide

When the pandemic closed schools in March 2020, many students were left without reliable ways to connect with their teachers and classmates. As the Technology Department Coordinator at Murray City School District in Utah, Jason Eyre and his team worked to connect over 6000 kids to computers and a WiFi connection in a way that…

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347 | What’s Brewing | Lamoni Heartland Mission Center Diversity Team

How does the church respond when millions across the world are in the streets saying “No More Racism!” Vince Lewis and Kris Judd tell the story of how Lamoni Heartland Mission Center took action to learn about racism and do something about it. Host: Robin LinkhartGuests: Vince Lewis and Kris Judd Download Transcript

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