
264 | God Shots | Christian Hope

Today we have another installment in our God Shot’s series where we take a deep dive into systematic theology. Using Daniel Migliore’s book, Faith Seeking Understanding, Tony and Charmaine Chvala-Smith take us through the concept of eschatology or Christian hope. Host: Carla Long Guests: Charmaine and Tony Chvala-Smith Download Transcript

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249 | Percolating on Faith | God Shots | Proclamation, Sacrament, and Ministry

What is the relationship between proclamation, sacraments, and ministry? How can they transform the church? Today’s discussion comes from chapter 12 of Daniel Migliore’s book, “Faith Seeking Understanding“. Click here to find Migliore’s book. Click here to find the rest of the God Shots series. Host: Carla Long Guests: Charmaine and Tony Chvala-Smith Download Transcript

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241 | God Shots | Percolating on Faith | The Church

What is the Christian Church? Why is it important for Christians to meet together in fellowship and worship? As part of our God Shots series, Tony and Charmaine Chvala-Smith discuss various models the church can be and it’s theological purpose as they explore the term, ecclesiology. Host: Carla Long Guests: Tony and Charmaine Chvala-Smith Download…

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232 | Percolating on Faith | God Shots | Holy Spirit

Continuing our God Shots series where we talk about systematic theology, Tony and Charmaine bring us a conversation about the Holy Spirit. As the third member of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit is often misunderstood or even makes us uncomfortable. Tony and Charmaine walk us through ways the Holy Spirit is experienced in scripture as…

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225 | Percolating on Faith | God Shots | Christ in Context

Continuing their read of Daniel Migliore’s book, Faith Seeking Understanding, Tony, Charmaine and Carla tackle chapter 9 called Christ in Context. Why do different cultures interpret the Jesus story differently? What can we learn from that? How is our view of who Jesus is shaped by our context? Listen to the Percolating on Faith team…

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208 | Percolating on Faith | God Shots | Human Beings

What does it mean to be human and why are we on this earth? These are questions that humanity has been asking since the beginning. Listen in as Tony, Charmaine, and Carla tackle thee topic of what it means to be human. They discuss culture, theology, and what it means to be created in the…

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194 | Percolating on Faith | God Shots | Providence of God and Mystery of Evil

Why do bad things happen to good people? Is God the master puppet who controls the universe? Join Project Zion’s theological duo Charmaine and Tony as they talk about the providence of God and the mystery of evil. To find the book Charmaine referenced, click here: https://www.amazon.com/Everything-Happens-Reason-Other-Loved/dp/0399592067 Host: Carla Long Guest: Tony and Charmaine Chvala-Smith…

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185 | Percolating on Faith | God Shots | God’s Good Creation 

Continuing our journey through systematic theology, in today’s episode of Percolating on Faith, Tony and Charmaine Chvala-Smith talk about creation. Citing the creation stories in Genesis, they talk about what it means to be created in the image of God and what that means about how we should be stewards over the earth. Host: Carla…

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175 | Percolating on Faith | God Shots: The Triune God

In this Percolating on Faith: God Shots episode, Carla, Charmaine, and Tony are talking all about the Triune God. Find out how Christians have used the Trinity to communicate about and liberate God. Host: Carla Long Guest: Tony and Charmaine Chvala-Smith Download Transcript 

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168 | Percolating on Faith | God Shots: Scripture

What exactly is scripture? What place does scripture have in Christian theology and in the life of the church? In today’s episode of Percolating on Faith, Tony, Charmaine and Carla continue their “God Shots” conversations with the topic of scripture. Host: Carla Long Guest: Tony and Charmaine Chvala-Smith Download Transcript

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