
ES 70 | Before Women’s Ordination in Community of Christ

Project Zion Podcast is teaming up with Smith College Professor David Howlett to release a series of podcasts his student created on women’s ordination in Community of Christ.  This episode features a brief introduction to the RLDS/Community of Christ, what ordination and priesthood entails, and what church life was like for women before women’s ordination….

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281 | Percolating on Faith | Theological Education

Theological education has a long history in Community of Christ. Today we’re joined by Tony and Charmaine Chvala Smith who talk about that history and the impact theological education has had on the church.  Host: Carla Long Guests: Tony and Charmaine Chvala Smith  Download Transcript

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280 | What’s Brewing | New Expressions

Mission provides endless possibilities to connect with our community. A year and a half ago, senior president of seventy John Wight started collecting ideas for congregations and small groups to engage in mission in meaningful ways. These ideas, compiled in a booklet called New Expressions, provide ideas for reimagining what church could look now and…

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ES 69 | Common Grounds | Sacred Space | Sharing Around the Table | Nancy Ross

Facilitating conversation around the lectionary scripture can be difficult when you’ve had a complicated relationship with scripture. Today, Nancy Ross shares some insights into this process as a writer for the Sacred Space resource.  Host: Karin PeterGuest: Nancy Ross Download Transcript

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273 | The Role of Women in French Polynesia | Lucia Piehi

Lucia Piehi shares her story of how the role of women evolved in French Polynesia before, during, and after Community of Christ provided for the ordination of women at World Conference 1984. Gain a deeper appreciation of culture, ethnicity, and personal faith journey in a church that celebrates unity in diversity. Host: Robin LinkhartGuest: Lucia…

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272  | Percolating on Faith | God Shots | Christian Approaches to Interfaith Relations

Today we have another installment in our God Shot’s series where we take a deep dive into systematic theology. Using Daniel Migliore’s book, Faith Seeking Understanding, Tony and Charmaine Chvala-Smith help us understand Christian’s responsibility to dialogue and have relationships with other faiths.  Host: Carla Long Guests: Charmaine and Tony Chvala-Smith  Download Transcript

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271 | Ordination | Nancy Ross and Brittany Mangelson

Today we’re catching up with Nancy Ross and Brittany Mangelson about their ordinations in Community of Christ. Both women grew up in the LDS church and currently serve in Community of Christ as elders. Nancy and Brittany share the complexities of their experiences with ordination and the significance of their calls. Brittany’s faith transition story…

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268 | Sacrament and the Mystery that is God

All of life is encompassed in sacrament. Those sacred moments when the eternal becomes present in the now satisfy a deep human longing for community. John VanDerWalker shares poignant reflections as he recalls his journey of discovery on the way to writing his Master’s Thesis, “Look to the Sacraments.” Host: Robin Linkhart Guest: John VanDerWalker…

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266 | What’s Brewing | Brussels

What happens when a Congolese refugee living in Brussels, found Community of Christ through an internet search? Coming from the LDS tradition, he found sanctuary in the message of peace and reconciliation of Community of Christ and decided to invite others. With the help of Elray Henriksen and Joey Williams, he tells his personal story…

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ES 63 | Common Grounds | Sacred Space | Prayer for Peace

Our Common Grounds series is all about the Liturgical Calendar. For the next few Common Grounds episodes, we will be exploring various aspects of Sacred Space: A Resource for Small-group Ministry with the Sacred Space writers. Today, we focus on the Prayer for Peace. Host: Karin Peter Guests: Tiffany and Caleb Brian Download Transcript

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