
92 | Mission, Ministry, and the 21st Century

Join Robin Linkhart with guest Karin Peter as they explore mission, ministry, and the questions we need to be asking today about how mission matters in the 21st Century. In this episode Karin talks about guiding principles of mission she’s discovered along the way and what mission looks like in different contexts and cultures.

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86 | Percolating on Faith | A Watered Down, Liberal, Protestant What?

Join Carla as she interviews Tony and Charmaine Chvala-Smith, answering a comment that was made in a presentation at Salt Lake City Sunstone about who Community of Christ is and what we stand for. Download Transcript

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83 | Word of Wisdom in Community of Christ and Intoxicants | Lachlan Mackay

This is audio for a Sunday school presentation Lachlan Mackay delivered to the Salt Lake congregation following Sunstone on 07-30-2017. The conversation surrounds the history of the Word of Wisdom in Community of Christ and the different ways it’s been applied through time. (editor note: the questions and comments from those attending had to be…

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79 | Percolating on Faith | One True Church 

Join Carla for another episode in the Percolating on Faith series with Tony and Charmaine. In this episode, they discuss the one true church doctrine, how it was a prevalent part of the restoration movement and the RLDS church, and how Community of Christ has moved away from that self-focus. They discuss the dangers of…

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72 | Percolating on Faith | The Three Eras

Join Carla as she speaks with Tony and Charmaine Chvala-Smith, discussing the different “eras” of the church, namely Joseph-centered, Church-centered, and then Christ-centered. Host: Carla LongGuests: Tony and Charmaine Chvala-Smith Download Transcript

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53 | Percolating on Faith | Faith and Doubt

Join Carla as she talks to Tony and Charmaine about faith and doubt and how they are components of the same thing. They talk about what they see faith as and also the healthy and harmful ways doubt can be in relation to faith.

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50 | Joseph Smith Historic Sites Directors in Nauvoo | Laura and David Bolton

Join Carla Long as she talks with Laura and David Bolton about being the Joseph Smith Historic Sites directors in Nauvoo for the last seven months. They recount a few of the historic stories of Nauvoo as well as talk about the sites of Nauvoo and Nauvoo itself.

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49 | Temples in Community of Christ Heritage | Bethany Lloyd

Join Brittany as she talks to Bethany Lloyd about temples in Community of Christ. Bethany lived in the Sidney Rigdon home in Kirtland and also lived in Independence while the temple there was being built. Brittany and Bethany share personal insights and stories about what temples mean to them.

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48 | Can a Peace Church Claim the Book of Mormon as Scripture? | Andrew Bolton

Join Josh as he converses with returning guest Andrew Bolton to talk about ways people can still claim the Book of Mormon as scripture despite its violence and issues surrounding historicity. As a peace church can we find peaceful messages within its pages?

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44 | Percolating on Faith | The Book of Mormon

Join Carla as she talks with Tony and Charmaine about the role the Book of Mormon has played in Community of Christ, what makes scripture scripture, and how we should use scripture in our lives. Host: Carla LongGuest: Tony and Charmaine Chvala-Smith Download Transcript

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