
ES 128 | Extra Shot | Mormon and Evangelical Boundaries | Pt. 1

Establishing one’s true identity and living in that identity may require the creation of boundaries.  How can one know who they are without, in some circumstances, knowing who they are not? The Reorganization has faced some identity challenges over the years as a result of its shared history with the Mormon church and the tendency…

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787 | Coffee to Go | Third Sunday of Advent Year C

Unlike Micah, who responded politely when asked what God required of those who would follow, John the Baptist didn’t mince words or waste time worrying about people’s feelings.  He simply laid it on the line … for everyone. Repent and change your ways. Quit putting yourself first. Take what’s yours, only what’s yours, and be…

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785 | Coffee to Go | Second Sunday of Advent Year C

Lions and tigers and bears, Oh My! Wait. Scratch that.  How about, “sacredness, energy, and divine presence?” Maybe the wilderness isn’t so bad after all! Grab a cup of your favorite warm beverage and join host Karin Peter and Blake Smith for a look into how “the voice crying out in the wilderness,” wasn’t running…

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783 | Coffee to Go | First Sunday of Advent Year C

It’s a new liturgical year, and we’re still journeying with Jesus.  As we enter the Advent season, we are reminded of God’s gracious welcome and hospitality … full of justice and mercy. From interpersonal division to wars between nations, our world is full of chaos, there are those who would like us to think that…

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781 | Coffee to Go | Proper 29 Year B | Reign of Christ

How often do we ask a question with a “hoped-for” answer in mind? That’s exactly what is going on in this week’s gospel lectionary passage when Pilate comes face to face with Jesus. Join hosts, Karin Peter and Blake Smith, for this final episode in Year B of the lectionary cycle. Listen carefully as Pilate…

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779 | Coffee to Go | Proper 28 Year B

“And the walls came a tumblin’ down.” Actually, by the time the Gospel of Mark was written they probably already had. But, imagine sitting outside the Community of Christ Temple in Independence, and having Jesus tell you that it would all be coming down. Scary? Upsetting? Maddening? Perhaps all of the above.  Bad stuff happens…

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777 | Coffee to Go | Proper 27 Year B

Mark’s telling of the story we have come to know as “The Widow’s Mite” is a story about faithful generosity… or is it? Maybe it’s really about Jesus pointing out economic injustices. Giving one’s “spare change” means different things to the wealthy and the poor. And, in this case, the widow may have been the…

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775 | Coffee to Go | Proper 26 Year B

Though it may have seemed like it, not everyone was trying to trick or test Jesus. Some actually just wanted to engage in honest dialogue with them.  That is the case with the Scribe in today’s passage from the Gospel of Mark. As it turns out, Jesus doesn’t mind the questions… as long as we’re…

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774 | Coffee to Go | All Saints Day

We all have, or have had, people who have touched our lives and influenced us in positive ways. Because of them, something in us has changed … our own sense of worth, our worldview, the way we engage with others, the way we see and understand God. These are our “saints.” These are the ones…

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772 | Coffee to Go | Proper 25 Year B

The journey from Galilee to Jerusalem is long. The disciples have heard a lot, seen a lot, and done a lot … including shushing and turning away marginalized persons who have come seeking Jesus. As usual, however, Jesus invites them to come. Join hosts Karin Peter and Blake Smith, as they point out the importance…

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