young adult

277 | Coffee in The Swarm | Laurie Due

Coffee in The Swarm is our new series featuring students from Graceland University. We’re kicking off the series with recent graduate Laurie Due who shares about her experiences at Graceland and her plans for continuing as a Community of Christ Seminary student.  Host: Mike HoffmanGuest: Laurie Due Download Transcript

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ES 62 | Coffee In the Swarm | Graceland University Church History Caravan

Project Zion Podcast officially welcomes Mike Hoffman to the team! In his first interview, Mike speaks with Graceland University students about a recent trip they took visiting church history sites in Palmyra, Kirtland, and Nauvoo.  Host: Mike HoffmanGuests: Natalie Harper, Randallynn Smith, Cathryn Cannavino, Lexie Frazier, Andrew Wolsey, and Hayley Condit

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256 | Chai Can’t Even | Ashley Sebree

Growing up in Oklahoma, Ashley Sebree’s childhood included camps, home visits, and being mentored as a disciple in Community of Christ. Ashley is currently enrolled in seminary, and serves in leadership positions in both her mission center and at the online ministry, Community Space. Today, Ashley shares about her experiences in her experiences in the…

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245 | Chai Can’t Even | Nathan Mack

Nathan Mack of Independence, Missouri joins us for our Chai Can’t Even series where we talk to young adults in Community of Christ. Nate shares about growing up in the church, his time at Graceland as both a student and an employee with Campus Ministries, as well as what keeps him engaged with Community of…

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226 | Chai Can’t Even | Ryan and Emma Pitt

In this episode of our Chai Can’t Even series, we’re hearing from Emma Gray Pitt and Ryan Pitt! Emma is a designer at The Knot and Ryan is the Mission Center President of the Mid Atlantic Mission Center. Both Emma and Ryan grew up in Community of Christ and they share stories of their childhood…

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216 | Chai Can’t Even | Caitlin d’Esterre

We’ve got Caitlin d’Esterre back on the podcast! This time she’ll be talking about being a millennial in Community of Christ as part of our Chai Can’t Even series. Join us as Caitlin talks about growing up in the church, how meaningful the camping programs were to her, and her hopes and advice for other…

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45 | Living Your Faith | Lexie Frazier

Lexie Frazier, a young adult who is headed to Graceland University this fall, shares some of her experiences in Community of Christ. As a young priest in the church who has a deep love for the Enduring Principles, Lexie describes how she tries to live her life with our identity, message, mission, and beliefs, at…

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195 | Chai Can’t Even | Zac Harmon McLaughlin

Zac Harmon McLaughlin, the director of Community of Christ Seminary, shares his experience growing up in Community of Christ in Independence Missouri. Zac discusses how he was mentored, challenged, and supported through his teenage years, and gives insights into how he views faith and church life today. As part of our Chai Can’t Even series,…

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186 | Chai Can’t Even | Laura Bolton

Young adult Laura Bolton talks about growing up in Independence, Missouri, what keeps her engaged with the church today, and the challenges and hopes she experiences along the way. Host: Brittany Mangelson Guest: Laura Bolton

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144 | What’s Brewing | Justin Delong

Today’s episode continues our “What’s Brewing?” series where we talk about mission! Today we join Justin Delong, a Seventy in Portsmouth, Ohio. Brittany and Justin discuss the new Welcoming Community emerging congregation. Justing talks about bring a Pride Festival to his town for the first time, to the steps they took to becoming an emerging…

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